
midway n.1.中途,半路。2.〔美國〕(展覽會等的)商場,娛樂...

midway islands

C . fully extend arm midway between client and yourself , then move it centrally with fingers moving 檢查者手臂前伸至與受檢者距離中間處,移動手臂并不斷擺動手指。

The turning point came in june nineteen forty - two in the central pacific in the great battle of midway island 轉折點出現在1942年的6月太平洋中部的中途島戰役。

If the roll break midway , the team repairs the roll in situ and then go on , the time doesn ' t stop 若途中風火輪斷裂,則該隊原地修復,修好后繼續,記時不停。

Yao yelled at head coach del harris and his teammates during a time - out midway in the period 在中場休息的時候姚明朝主教練哈瑞斯以及他的隊友們大嚷了起來。

To do this , use a tape measure midway between the lowest rib and the upper part of the hip bone 量腰圍要量最下面一根肋骨和髖骨上部之間中點所在的位置。

Yao yelled at head coach del harris and his teammates during a time - out midway in the period 姚明在這個時期的暫停的時候對著主教練哈理斯和隊友怒吼。

A parameter specifies how to round the value if it is midway between two other numbers 一個參數,指定當一個值正好處于另兩個數中間時如何舍入這個值。

Midway , it seemed that he had turned on an afterburner to roar across the finish line way ahead 約翰遜跑到一半時突然爆發出驚人的力量沖過終點線。

“ it s more amusing that way . “ she remained standing midway down the side of the table “請吧, ”娜娜說道, “諸位隨意入座這樣更有意思。 ”

Battle of midway 中途島之役

Midway island , 1942 中途島1942

Midway geyser basin 中間歇泉盆地

If a passenger gets off the aircraft midway , his baggage must be unloaded 旅客在航空器飛行中途中止旅行時,必須將其行李卸下。

The truth is midway , he affirmed . he is the ghost and the prince “真理在兩者之間, ”他斬釘截鐵地說, “他是圣靈,又是王子。

Midway along the journey of our life i woke to find myself in a dark wood . . 到了中年我清醒的發現自己處在一片黑森林中

Midway island , 1942 games 中途島1942小游戲

Midway along the journey of our life i woke to find myself in a dark wood 到了中年我清醒的發現自己處在一片黑森林中

Warnings have also been issued for the marcus , wake and midway islands 馬庫斯島、威克島和中途島也收到了海嘯預警。

Warnings have also been issued for the marcus , wake and midway islands 馬庫斯島威克島和中途島也收到了海嘯預警。