
midsummer 盛夏,仲夏;夏至〔6月21日〕前后(the midsum...


One day soon after , jane is enjoying the lovely midsummer evening in an orchard when rochester comes upon her and informs her he is shortly to be married 此后不久的一天,簡正在果園里欣賞可愛的仲夏黃昏,羅切斯特突然前來找她,告訴她說他不久即將結婚。

Herbs along the road . every phase of the celebration , each situation and its characteristics are sung about . midsummer celebrations can not be imagined without 沒有詹尼煙火的仲夏慶祝是無法想象的;煙火在草藥之夜日落前點燃,直燒到詹尼清晨日出前。

This is an english performance by primary school students featuring one of shakespeare s best known plays , “ a midsummer night s dream “ 此節目由小學生以英語演出英國大文豪莎士比亞筆下其中一出最家傳戶曉的劇作《仲夏夜之夢》 。

Its most popular midsummer ' s day finds many finns lighting bonfires and drinking enthusiastically at their country homes 在芬蘭最受歡迎的“施洗約翰節”這天,可以看見許多芬蘭人在他們自己的鄉間農舍,點燃篝火,痛快暢飲一番。

Alaska ' s state flower is the alpine forget - me - not . the best time to see the alpine forget - me - not is midsummer , from late june to late july 阿拉斯加州的州花是阿爾卑斯山的勿忘我。欣賞它的最好時節是仲夏,從六月底到七月底。

Latvia s midsummer night celebration is called jani in latvian , and it is the one night of the year that you must never sleep 拉脫維亞的仲夏夜慶祝用拉脫維亞語言說是詹尼( jani ) ,當夜是一年中你唯一不能閉眼的一個夜晚。

Rooms , byres , corrals , wells , mills , and other places important in the farmer s life are decorated with midsummer herbs 房間、牛欄、畜欄、水井、磨房,以及其它農夫生活中重要的地方都被裝飾上仲夏草木。

Upon my life , if winker do begin keeping back like this , she ll not be worth going under by midsummer 我敢肯定,要是溫克爾這頭牛真的開始像這樣回奶,不到仲夏,它就一滴奶也沒有了。 ”

Pytheas claimed that thule was six days north of britain , and that the midsummer sun never set there 皮西亞斯聲稱北極之地離英國北部有六天時間的距離,仲夏的太陽從不在那里下山。

And i hope no one will be so hard to please as to be offended with this pretty , harmless midsummer night ' s dream 同時我希望沒有人會對這一個美麗且無害的仲夏夜之夢仍然生著氣。

The climate of this town is so mild that the thermometer seldom rises to thirty degree even in midsummer 這個鎮的氣候如此溫和以至于即使在仲夏溫度計也很少升到30度。

Midsummer festival has become a wish cereal harvest festival , which attracted broad masses of the people 仲夏節已成為一個預祝五谷豐收的節日,吸引著廣大的人民群眾。

This is midsummer madness , some ghastly joke again . by heaven , i am guiltless as the unsunned snow 對上蒼發誓,我就像沒有被太陽照射過的白雪一般皎潔296 。

The cuckoo comes in april , and stays the month of may ; sings a song at midsummer , and then goes away 布谷鳥,四月來,五月一直在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就離開。

For the midsummer celebration , the mistress makes cheese , but the master brews beer 仲夏夜慶祝的奶酪由女主人預備,男主人則釀制啤酒。

Herbs , and the day before midsummer is often known as herb day 仲夏日收割的藥草花卉叫做仲夏藥草,而仲夏前一天通常叫做藥草日。

Characteristic analysis of the abnormal high temperarure in 2003 ' s midsummer in wuhan city 武漢市2003年盛夏異常高溫特征分析

A midsummer night s dream 仲夏夜之夢

Excerpts from midsummer nights dream 仲夏夜之夢片斷