
midstream 中流。


The hsip was created in southern sponse , and to and with aims to maintain balanced regional development , meet the demands of upstream , midstream , and downstream businesses in the technology sector , and to nurture new technology industries . the stsp has differentiated itself from its counterpart in the north by focusing on semiconductor , microelectronics precision machinery , and agricultural biotechnology sectors 由于新竹科學工業園區產業發展已趨飽和,因應南北平衡區域經濟均衡發展科技產業上中下游整體發展所需及孕育新興科技產業,南部科學工業園區已區隔規劃出半導體微電子精密機械農業生物科技產業專業區。

The activities of totalfinaeif are divded into four business divisions ; upstream , ( exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas ) ; trading and midstream gas and electrcity ; downstream ( relining distrbution of oil products and imternaeional trade in crude oil and petroleum products ) and chemicals 道達爾菲納埃爾夫公司的業務可分為四個業務領域:上游(原油和天然氣的勘探生產) ;貿易、天然氣與電力;下游(煉油、成品油銷售、原油和各類成品油的國際貿易)和化工。

When a few provinces and cities quickly realizes the economic fly by tourism industry , henan , however , still go back and forth in the whole nation midstream or downstream level , mighty advantage of tourism resources has not been converted into homologous of economic advantage 當不少省市借助旅游業迅速實現經濟騰飛時,河南省旅游業的發展卻還徘徊在全國中下游水平,強大的旅游資源優勢并沒有轉化為相應的經濟優勢。

Our site inspection near shek mum kap at the midstream section of the tung chung stream on 14 august 2006 revealed significant sediment runoff from upstream water . virtually no fish and insects were observed in the stream 本會于2006年8月14日在鄰近東涌河中游段的石門甲進行實地考察時,發現大量沉積物從上游沖刷而下,本會職員更幾乎未能在該河段中找到魚類和昆蟲。

Pollution from the pig farms upstream , the midstream residential areas , and even the fields downstream all gathers in taihu - or lake tai - which is the main supplier of kinmen ' s water 順著山外溪上游的養豬戶,還有中游的住戶區,甚至下游的污染源,通通匯集到太湖,而太湖是金門自來水廠最大的供應站。

Although many of the board members saw that the president was ill equipped to handle the company ' s recession - related difficulties , they felt it best not to change horses in midstream 雖然許多董事們認識到現在的董事長沒有能力克服公司由于不景氣而帶來的種種困難,但是他們覺得最好不要中途換人。

Those are on “ blood mountain range “ ( of blood of ridge ) , in “ iron trigonometry “ , people facing the blood of campaign midstream of river of tianjin are our national benefactors 那些在“血嶺” ( ridgeofblood )上,在“鐵三角” ,在臨津江戰役中流血的人們是我們民族的恩人。

Those are on “ blood mountain range “ of blood of ridge , in “ iron trigonometry “ , people facing the blood of campaign midstream of river of tianjin are our national benefactors 那些在“血嶺” ridge of blood上,在“鐵三角” ,在臨津江戰役中流血的人們是我們民族的恩人。

The manager was worried about the strength of their opponent ' s attack , so he swapped horses in midstream , brought on two substitutes and instructed them to play a defensive game 領隊擔心他們對手的攻勢,因此他在緊要關頭改變了策略,換上兩名替補隊員并指示他們打一場防御賽。

Such measures include simplifying vessel entry procedures , lowering port charges , and establishing more service anchorages to increase midstream cargo - handling capacity 這些措施包括簡化船只進入港口的手續調低港口費用,以及增加碇泊區,以提高中流作業的處理能力。

Bleed chewing gum : the product elucidation : contain chewing gum in , the appropriate time bite open is strained heart and mind terrible blood by the mouth midstream 流血口香糖:產品說明:將口香糖含在口中,適當的時候咬破由嘴中流出嘔心恐怖的血

Numerous shoals scattered over the 200 kms course give rise to many eddies , pounding on the midstream rocks , the river roars thunderously 二百公里航道上,遍布著無數險灘。險灘上,江流洶涌,回旋激蕩,水擊礁石,浪花飛濺,聲如雷鳴。

He doesn ' t believe in making changes while a job is in progress ; that would be “ changing horses in midstream “ - - a risky business 他認為不能在工作進行中改弦易轍,那是“河中間換馬” - -是一件危險的事。

This option cannot be specified in midstream , to prevent the possibility of crafting regular expressions with infinite loops )為了避免構造具有無限循環的正則表達式的可能性,此選項不能在中流指定。

At northern foot on the mountain of the kunlun , all there are jade ores in the upper reaches , the midstream and downstream can find the sub jade 在昆侖山北麓,凡上游有玉礦,中下游就可找到子玉。

The blood pill contains capsule in , the appropriate time bite open is strained heart and mind terrible blood by the mouth midstream 血丸將膠囊含在口中,適當的時候咬破由嘴中流出嘔心恐怖的血

Risk analysis on limited water level of reservoirs in flood season and flood control system in midstream and downstream of yellow river 黃河中下游水庫汛限水位與防洪體系風險分析

The chairman had just launched into this speech when the lights went out and stopped him in midstream 董事長剛開始發言,燈就滅了,打斷了他的發言。

What eve is this eve , that we fare midstream ? what day is today , that i fare with prince 今夕何夕兮?搴舟中流,今日何日兮?得與王子同舟。