
midst n.中,中間,中央。 ★現在只用在如下成語中。 from...


His mind clothed it in an image of a strong blinding sun sending hot rays down and he was standing in the midst of vast crowd of men . 他的腦子立刻賦予它這樣一個形象:一輪炫目的烈日射下炎熱的光線,他正站在一大群人中間。

There is no initiation either into such mysteries. he has to live in the midst of the incomprehensible, which is also detestable . 人們根本不可能加入到這種神秘中去,但不得不生活在這種不可理喻的、同時又令人憎惡的環境里。

It is difficult to avoid a feeling of melancholy at this spectacle of a nation tearing itself in the midst of a difficult war . 看到一個國家在一場艱苦戰爭的期間使國家陷于四分五裂的景象,真是令人不禁黯然神傷。

He described it as “ a very agreeable situation located within two small hills in the midst of which flowed a great river . “ 他把它描繪成“一個非常合適的地點,位于兩座小山之間,一條大河從中間流過。”

In the midst of the laughter that greeted the conclusion of grinder's story it was seen that mr. bosher had become black in the face . 在格林德的故事引起的哄堂大笑中大家發現博希爾先生面色變得鐵青。

She and arthur were whirling round in a waltz in the midst of a great deal of queer, but exceedingly joyful company . 她和亞瑟夾在那五光十色,狂歡不已的人群中,隨著華爾茲的樂聲,飛也似地盤旋著。

They are in the midst of great prosperity, and are in consequence insolent, contemptuous, and reckless--the kind of character . 他們處在極大的成功之中,并因此成了目空一切的、傲慢的和魯莽的人。

These milestones of human progress occur in the midst of a society sunk in a statistically proven barbarism . 人類進步的這些里程碑,是在社會正在沉論到統計數字已經證實了的野蠻狀態之中出現的。

For the cumulative impact of sensory, cognitive or decisional overstimulation, creates sickness in our midst . 因為在感覺、知覺、和抉擇上日積月累的超刺激的沖擊,已經在我們中間釀成了疾病。

In the midst of her grief and tears she was yet careful to conceal their real cause from the old man . 縱然充滿著悲傷,一臉的眼淚,她還是小心翼翼地不讓老人知道他們悲傷和流淚的真正原因。

For the cumulative impact of sensory cognitive or decisional overstimulation, creates sickness in our midst . 因為在感覺,知覺和抉擇上日積月累的超刺激的沖擊已經在我們中間釀成了疾病。

For he did not have the qualities necessary for survival in the midst of a swamp of intrigues and struggles for power . 因為他沒有具備在陰謀和權力斗爭的淵藪中生存下來所必需的本領。

In the midst of his bewilderment, the man in the cocked hat demanded who he was, and what his name was . 正在他覺得糊里糊涂的時候,那個戴三角帽的人又來問他是誰,叫什么名字。

We should be aware of this basic code and investigate what is happening chemically in our ecological midst . 我們應該認識這種基本密碼,并從化學角度研究在生態學中發生的問題。

Our destiny in the midst of change will rest on the unchanged character of our people, and on their faith . 在這種轉變中,我們的命運只得依賴國人始終如一的性格及信念。

The major found himself on the instant in the midst of a most interesting and confidential conversation . 少校發現,他一下子就贏得了信任,進入了最有意思的談話。

In the midst of these variations the theme was always ingeniously and excitingly retrieved . 這些話題在令人應接不暇地轉換著,但總是能得到鼓舞人心的巧妙的補充。

In the midst of his polished exhibitions was often reminded of an urchin i had once seen in naples . 他的精心表演常常令我回想起在那不勒斯遇到的一個頑童。

In the midst of all the confusion and demoralisation there was, however, one man with presence of mind . 然而,在這樣的混亂和沮喪中,只有一個人鎮定自若。