
midshipman 〔英國〕海軍軍官候補生〔俗稱 middy, 因值班時常在...


As an 18 year midshipman in hmas australia in 1940 , we spent time off bear island , well above the arctic circle and so i qualified for this award 在1940年,作為hmas “澳大利亞”號上的1名18歲海軍軍校學生,我們去過北極圈內的熊島,因此我獲得了這枚勛章。

President bush friday said the midshipmen who graduated that day could not have known how soon their leadership would be tested 布什總統星期五說,這一天畢業的海軍學院學員們可能以前沒想到他們的領導能力這么快就要經受考驗。

I know you have , but you ' re not a bad sailor . you can ' t spend your life a midshipman 我知道你是個不錯的水手你不能一輩子都做個候補士官

And mr pullings . . . mr pullings was a snivelling midshipman , 而普林斯先生…普林斯先生還是個愛哭的軍校學生呢

And mr pullings . mr pullings was a snivelling midshipman , 而普林斯先生普林斯先生還是個愛哭的軍校學生呢

And the sailor ' s name is midshipman abernathy 那水手叫阿博納西