
midsection 中部。


Indeed , many researchers now contend that the incipient river nourished a multitude of interconnected lakes in the continent ' s midsection before forging a direct connection to the atlantic ocean ; this dynamic wetland produced ideal conditions for both aquatic and terrestrial creatures to flourish much earlier than previously thought 的確,許多研究人員現在主張,在直通大西洋之前,早期的亞馬遜河孕育了南美大陸中部許多相互連結的湖泊;這樣動態的濕地系統,為陸棲與水棲生物營造了理想的繁衍環境,而且時間點比人們原先設想的要早。

The black - and - white photos , taken by three cameras , show deep channels and layered surface debris around the planet ' s midsection , features that probably were formed by water , said alfred mcewen , a mission scientist and university of arizona professor of planetary science . the images were taken from an altitude of 1 , 547 miles above the surface , about three times higher than the orbiter will be when it formally begins its science mission in november 據路透社3月24報道,參與此項任務的亞利桑那大學行星學教授艾爾佛雷德麥克尤恩說,這批黑白照片是由火星偵察軌道器mro上的3臺照相機拍攝的,照片顯示,火星中部地區分布有深溝和層狀表面的巖屑,這些地貌有可能是水的運動造成的。

Jiangxi hotel is the five - star modern business hotel , located in the flourishing midsection bayi avenue of nanchang city and the centre areas of politics , economy , culture , sports and amusement and commercial activity . graceful and modern decoration , has fully reflected ecology and perfection of the environmental protection idea with unified which offer comfortable satisfied staying and enjoyment for you . no matter whether on business or holiday , the reception will be shown consideration for by the speciality 江西賓館是一家五星級現代商務酒店,位于江西省南昌市最寬闊繁華的八一大道中段,距南昌火車站三公里,到南昌昌北機場三十公里,置南昌政治經濟文化體育娛樂及商務活動的中心地帶。優雅現代的裝璜,充分體現了生態與環保理念的完美統一,為您提供舒適愜意的下榻享受。無論您是到此公干或度假消閑,都會受到專業體貼的接待。

An intermittent contact , on the other hand , that can so often be observed , is caused by stiffness in the rider ' s hips and wrists , which is usually accompanied by a weak midsection 間隙的聯系,相反是因為騎手的髖部和手腕的緊張造成的,通常也是因為騎手的上腹部太虛弱造成的。

Patrick deuel , who once weighed more than 1 , 000 pounds , has lost another 81 pounds in a surgery that removed a mass of fat and skin hanging from his midsection 成功。該男子此前的體重曾一度超過1000磅約合900斤,但現在已降為400磅360斤左右。

There will eventually be a total of 12 turbines on the right side of the three gorges dam , which is in the midsection of the yangtze , china ' s longest river 三峽大壩右側未來一共將有12個水輪發電機組。三峽大壩位于中國最長的河流長江的中段。

The well toned midsection , in combination with supple hips , connected elbows and supple wrists also ensures a steady , yet live rein contact 協調的上腹部,結合柔軟的髖,聯系肘,柔軟的手腕都能保證穩定,生動的韁繩聯系。

At least 23 deaths are blamed on the storm that moved into the nation ' s midsection over the weekend 據報道,至少有23人在風暴中死亡,且風暴將在周末遷移到國家的中部。

So if you wanna come sweatin , stressin contestin you ll catch a sharp sword to the midsection 就在你新的家的對窗獨個租了個可愛地方

While i sculpt and tone my midsection 我也許能殺了你