
midriff n.1.【解剖學】橫膈膜。2.〔美俚〕肚子,下腹部。3....


Because the imposes integratedly hair cause of disease after cystic resection basically has the following sides : diagnose before art above all incorrect , diagnose hernia of cankerous disease , pancreatitis , midriff or coronary heart disease by accident made cystic resection for chronic cholecystitis , it is the commonnest cause 膽囊切除術后綜合征的發病原因主要有以下幾個方面:首先術前診斷不正確,誤將潰瘍病、胰腺炎、膈疝或冠心病診斷為慢性膽囊炎作了膽囊切除術,是最常見的原因。

Most schools do have dress codes that prohibit midriff baring shirts and short skirts and disciplinarians say they will enforce the rules 多數學校的著裝規定不許穿露臍裝和超短裙,主管學校風紀的老師們也表示要嚴格執行規定。

Since his arms are about waist - high on the young man , uncle gently hugs him round his midriff 由于他的手臂剛好觸到青年的腰,他只能輕輕地抱住他的腹部。

Ooh , ooh , the halter with the bare midriff , oh , and my black hip - huggers 噢,噢,那件像繩索一樣,上腹部什么裝飾都沒有的,并且還顯得臀部很大。

And they are also significantly more likely to put on the pounds around their midriff 而且值得注意的是,這些人發胖的部位更有可能是腰腹部。

His midriff yearned then upward , sank within him , yearned more longly , longingly 這當兒他的小腹往上翻,隨后又垂下去。

Rather snug around the midriff 小腹那有點緊

Don ' t wear any of those midriff - baring outfits . it ' s so last year 別穿那些露腰的衣服太去年了