
midpoint 中點;中心點;近中心點。


Jean hunter , a professor of agricultural and biological engineering at cornell university , is at the midpoint of a three - year study funded by the national aeronautics and space administration to develop menus for months - long space missions to the moon and mars , where astronauts will grow and prepare their own food 康奈爾大學的農業和生物工程學家珍涵特,現正進行一項由太空總署所贊助的三年研究計畫,這個研究已經進行了一半,是要為長達數月的月球和火星之旅設計菜單,而且太空人將要自己養植和料理食物。

Abstract : the multifunctional inverter power sourcethe handy inverter welding , plating & charging manchine , developed with advanced inverter and micro - electronics control techniques , adopts “ half - bridge power expansion supply midpoint voltage autocontrol setting ” , and technically and effectively having solved inverter subvision of inverter power expansion circuit for leaning magnetism , reliability of high - power inverter setting , achives combination of constantcurrent and constantvoltage export , and realizes low - voltage dc and high - voltage ac double power supply 文摘:運用先進的高頻逆變技術和微電子控制技術設計研制的逆變式多功能電源便攜式逆變焊鍍充電多用機,采用“半橋式功放級供電中點電壓自動控制調節裝置” ,在技術上解決了逆變功放電路因偏磁而造成的逆變顛覆,有效地解決了大功率逆變器的可靠性問題;進行多種外特性的綜合設定,實現了恒流與恒壓輸出的合一;與傳統焊機相比,實現了開環和閉環狀態下都互不影響的低壓直流電瓶和高壓交流雙供電

Similar to hntx - iv , 100 nmol / l hntx - v did n ' t effect the active and inactive kinetics of currents and did n ' t have the effect on the active threshold of sodium channels and the voltage of peak inward currents . however , 100 nmol / l hntx - v caused a 7 . 7 mv hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage midpoint of steady - state sodium channel inactivation 1 / liintx一v也不影響ttx一s鈉電流的激活相和失活相,對鈉通道的激活閩值和最大激活電壓也無明顯改變,但能引起鈉通道的半穩態失活電壓有7

According to the test results of 15 large size specimens of sfrc four - pile caps , crack status , the midpoint flexibility of pile caps bottom , concrete strain side and steel strain bottom are observed , and primary influencing factors of sfrc four - pile caps are analyzed by changing bulk factor , effective thickness , quantity of distributed steel and steel laying mode 依據15個大尺度鋼纖維混凝土四樁承臺試件的試驗情況,通過改變鋼纖維體積率、承臺有效厚度、配筋量及配筋方式,觀察和記錄了樁承臺裂縫開展與分布、承臺底部中點撓度、側邊混凝土應變和底部受拉鋼筋應變,分析了影響鋼纖維混凝土四樁承臺承載能力的主要參量。

First , the basic raster graphics algorithms for drawing 2d primitives are introduced , including edge coherence and the scan - line algorithm of triangle , brush algorithm of thick line ( and its improved method ) and midpoint circle and ellipse algorithm ; and the current situation of the advanced algorithms is also involved . second , the mapping of high level programming language to hardware description language is described , some principles of the conversion of algorithm to state machine are proposed also ; then , the implementation of basic graphics in hardware is discussed in detail , the state machines are drawn in the paper , and the interfaces of hardware are defined , block diagrams too , and the advanced algorithm of conic is proved ; finally , some issues about test are described , the results of simulation and synthesis are given in the last , and some detailed data are displayed in the appendix 首先介紹了現有的基本圖形生成算法,包括三角形邊相關掃描算法,寬直線的線刷子算法及其改進和圓形、橢圓的生成算法,同時介紹了加速算法的研究現狀;然后,討論了高級語言描述到硬件描述語言的映射,提出了算法到狀態機抽象的規律;接著具體討論了基本圖形的硬件實現,給出了各算法的狀態機圖,接口定義和實現框架,并且從理論角度給出了二次曲線加速算法的證明:最后采用軟件工具進行測試驗證,給出了模擬、綜合實現的結果,并在附錄中有詳細的實驗結果數據。

After 50 nmol / l hntx - iv treatment for 5 min , the peptide didn “ t effect the active and inactive time course of sodium currents and the steady - state activation of sodium channels , but it caused a 10 . 1 mv hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage midpoint of steady - state sodium channel inactivation on drg neurons 細胞5分鐘后, ttx一s鈉電流的激活與失活相以及通道穩態激活特征均無明顯改變,但ttx一s鈉通道能引起鈉通道的半穩態失活電壓有約10 . lmv的超極化漂移。 100二。

The proposed function has same properties just as the ones of paper [ 1 ] , unifies the forms when the intervals have common endpoint or not , avoids the impact of the level and dimension of values and make the extension analysis be more objective , is continuous for all real field but the common one , gets the maximum value at the midpoint , and has more applicability 該初等關聯函數具有與文[ 1 ]初等關聯函數相似的性質,且統一了有公共端點和無公共端點區間類型,能消除量級和量綱的影響,使得可拓優度評價結果更客觀,在除了公共端點外的全體實數域內連續且在中點取得最大值,并有更寬的適用范圍。

By calculating large quantity of examples , this text studies earthquake resistant behavior of tapered portal frame with pined bases and analyzes its natural frequency , natural period of vibration and vibration mode . by comparing interior forces of pillar top , beam end and span midpoint in two conditions that seismic action effect participates combination of forces and not when portal frame is n ' t changed , ensure conditions that combination of seismic action effect has controlling f unction during tapered portal frame design , and tapered portal frame demands anti - earthquake design 本文通過大量算例分析,研究柱腳鉸接楔形變截面門式剛架的抗震性能,并對其自振頻率、振型進行了分析;通過比較地震作用效應參與荷載組合與不參與荷載組合兩種情況下,梁柱截面尺寸不變時,柱上端、梁端、跨中截面處的內力大小,確定在什么情況下地震作用效應組合起控制作用,變截面門式剛架需要進行抗震設計。

Thirdly , to improve traditional method ( midpoint displacement algorithm ) , various coefficient scales are used in interpolating data . to the end of this paper , a series of experiments on interpolating data are conducted , which indicate that the interpolation improves the precision of results and avoids the creasing problem effectively 利用已有的dem數據進行幾種不同方法的內插計算,計算結果表明改進的隨機中點移位內插法能有效地避免插值點附近明顯的“尖峰現象” ,且插值精度有了一定的提高。

For processing of 3d and 3c seismic data , the reflected p - waves can be processed with the conventional methods , while the reflected converted waves can not be processed with the conventional p - wave processing methods , because their travel paths are asymmetrical , their common midpoint gathers are no longer common reflection point gathers , and their time - distance equation is non hyperbolic 在三維三分量地震勘探資料處理中,對于反射縱波資料可以采用常規方法進行處理;而對于反射轉換波資料,由于其傳播路徑的非對稱性,轉換波共中心道集不再是共反射點道集,轉換波時距方程也不是雙曲方程,因此不能采用常規縱波處理方法來處理轉換波資料。

This paper analyses deterioration model of bar code signals after the point spread function convolution , and presents two kinds of recognition algorithm in correspondence to different bluring degrees of bar code signal : one based on midpoints detection and the other based on waveform analysis 分析了條碼信號經過點擴展函數卷積后的降質模型。針對條碼信號模糊程度的不同,提出兩種識別方法:基于中點檢測的條碼識別方法和基于波形分析的條碼識別方法。

The other are a hybrid preconditioning strategy , in which a simple pivoting preconditioner is used in combination with the standard inverse - midpoint method and a new scheme for selecting the real point in formulating interval newton equation 使用混合預處理和優化實數向量:所謂混合預處理,就是聯合了標準中點逆矩陣預處理和中樞預處理。優化實數向量就是選擇合適的實數向量來縮小線性區間等式的解向量n ( x )所包括的范圍。

On the basis of summarizing current fractal dimension algorithms , the random midpoint replacement algorithm was employed to obtain interpolating point according to the fractal features of remote sensing image , so the current widely used triangular prism method was improved 摘要在總結現有分形維數計算方法的基礎上,根據遙感影像的分形特性,利用隨機中點替代法獲取插值點,從而對目前普遍使用的三棱柱面法進行了改進。

Through master s merciful blessing and arrangement , we finally found an old house . after being remodeled by our fellow practitioners , the house has become a serene and beautiful spiritual center . it is located at the midpoint of the south - to - north subway 在師父慈愛的加持與安排下,同修們終于找到了一所舊房子,經合力重建后,現今已成為一處莊嚴美麗的靈修圣地。

It is the lakers ' longest trip since 1960 - 61 , their first season in los angeles , but that 10 - game trip was broken up near its midpoint when the team returned home for several days before christmas 湖人隊將暫時離開主場,其實是很長一段時間,他們將在15天中打9場比賽, 8713英里的客場的旅途將穿過超過半個東部。

? the mean scores in every dimensions are all above 3 points ( midpoint ) , which indicates a general attitude of citizen ' s moral view of middle school students ( 2 )中學生公民道德觀各維度的平均分均在3分(中點)以上,這說明中學生公民道德觀從總體來講是積極的。 ( 3 )中學生公民道德觀存在一定的學校差異。

It is a 34 - bar simple moving average of the bar ” s midpoints ( h + l ) / 2 subtracted from a 5 - bar simple moveing average of the midpoints ( h + l ) / 2 , plotted in a histogram form 它是以5個價格之條形圖之中點價(最高+最低) / 2取移動平均,再減去34支條形圖之中點價(最高+最低) / 2之移動平均,并以柱狀圖之形式表示。

The concept of the midpoint quasi - convex function is introduced , and some conditions are obtained to ensure that midpoint quasi - convex function is quasi - convex in the measurable function space 摘要本文提出了中點擬凸函數的概念,在可測函數空間中,給出了中點擬凸函數擬凸的若干個充分條件。

Since the number 16 is said to represent the midpoint of the teen years , a “ sweet 16 “ party has served as a kind of puberty initiation rite , particularly for girls 據說16歲意味著青少年時期的中點,所以作為一種進入青春期的儀式,人們通常為孩子,特別是女孩子舉辦“美好的16歲”晚會。