
midnight n.,adj.午夜(的);漆黑(的)(the mid n...


At midnight we see the theatre break up and discharge its swarm of hilarious youth and beauty . 在半夜里,我們看到戲館散場,涌出一大群歡天喜地的少年男女。

Its clock would have told the hour of midnight as the party set forth on their expedition . 它的鐘聲也許已告訴人們,這幾個人出去探險的時候正是午夜。

He was allowed to go out , but his parents made it a condition that he should get home before midnight . 他父母允許他出去,但規定他要在午夜前回家。

I'll cheerfully acknowledge my defeat if i don't find you by midnight of the third day . 如果我到第三天午夜為止還找不到你,我就痛痛快快地認輸。

I kept looking at my watch, but she can't take a hint and it was midnight before she left . 我不停地看表,但她不會意,午夜過后才離開。

I recommended that schlesinger stand down the alert starting at midnight . 我建議施萊辛格暫時停止昨天午夜開始的戒備措施。

Jem had never named his midnight glimpse of john barton to human being . 杰姆從沒有向人吐露他在午夜里見到過約翰巴頓。

She habitually spent the hours from midnight to 3 a.m in reading popular science . 她從午夜到凌晨三點總要讀些科普讀物。

It was growing late, and the stillness and gloom of midnight were nearing . 夜已經漸漸深了,午夜的寂靜和黑暗正在降臨。

They met at the union station for the midnight train to monarch . 他們在聯合車站集合,然后搭上那趟午夜去莫納克的火車。

Midnight arrived, and the enthusiasm showed no signs of diminution . 已經敲過了十二點了,熱烈的氣氛還沒有降低。

At midnight he would call the dragon king of the eastern sea to make rain . 那天午夜他預備把東海龍王叫來施雨。

When they did not get back by midnight , i got that sinking feeling . 他們到半夜時還沒回來,我感到心神不定。

Thus i never had a dull or idle moment from morning till midnight . 因此,從早到晚,我沒有一刻沉悶和懶散。

Bloggs got back to the war office in whitehall at midnight . 布羅格斯是在午夜的時候回到白廳內的陸軍部的。

It was a big snow storm. she said it had started about midnight . 那是一場大風雪。她說雪是半夜下起來的。

It might be just after twilight and it might be midnight . 也可能是剛剛過了黃昏時分,也可能是已經半夜。

It was almost midnight . 將近半夜了。

It was close to midnight . 時近午夜。