
midmost adj.(= middlemost)。


But now he had seen that world , possible and real , with a flower of a woman called ruth in the midmost centre of it ; and thenceforth he must know bitter tastes , and longings sharp as pain , and hopelessness that tantalized because it fed on hope 葉是現在他卻看到了那個世界,可能而且現實,它的核心是一個花朵般的女人叫露絲從此以后他就得品嘗種種苦味,品嘗像痛苦一樣尖銳的相思,品嘗絕望的滋味,那絕望靠希望哺育,可望而不可即。

Well , here he was , the great man on board , in the midmost centre of it , sitting at the captain s right hand , and yet vainly harking back to forecastle and stoke - hole in quest of the paradise he had lost 好了,現在他也到了這兒,成了船上的大人物,在它核心的核心里生活,坐在船長的右手,可他回到水手艙和鍋爐間去尋找他失去的天堂時,卻一無所獲。