
midline n.中線。


The delimitation of international ocean is one of the most controversial legal problems . because of the geological features and natural resources , the delimitation of continental shelf between neighboring or opposite countries is more complex . the rule of midline plus special circumstances and the equitable principles become the most important rules 國際海洋劃界是現今海洋法中最具爭議性的問題之一,而大陸架這一海域由于其地質地貌及資源等因素導致其在相鄰或相向國家之間劃界更是復雜,在公約和實踐中出現的“中間線+特殊情況”規則及“公平原則”成為大陸架劃界的主要規則。

Examination shows that the heart of andrias davidianus have three chamers - two atria and one ventride , the atria on the left of midline , the ventricle on the right of midline , and the atria are divided into two cavities by septum interatriale . there are four valvula semilunaris in conus arteriosus , but no spiral valve in conus arteriosus . the coronary artery is made by arterica carotis externa branches 研究結果表明,中國大鯢循環系統解剖學特點為: 1 .心臟:心房心室為左右排列,兩心房前后排列,共有4對動脈弓,其中第二、三對動脈弓匯合成一條背主動脈;動脈圓錐基部與心室相接處有4個瓣膜,動脈圓錐內沒有螺旋瓣,動脈圓錐與腹側主動脈干之間有3個半月瓣;房間隔有穿孔;冠狀動脈由頸外動脈的分支匯合而成。

Methods of 14 normal male japanese white rabbits ( aged approximately 4 months ) , 7 ( randomly chosen ) were subjected to vasal ligation near the cauda epididymidis after exposure of the testis and vas deferens via a scrotal incision , and the other 7 subjected to vasectomy after exposure of the vas in the inguinal canal through a small ventral midline incision 方法正常雄性日本大耳白兔14只(約4月齡) , 7只(隨機選擇)經陰囊切口暴露睪丸和輸精管后靠近附睪尾進行輸精管結扎,另7只從恥骨聯合上方的腹正中線上作一小切口,暴露腹股溝管內的輸精管后進行輸精管結扎。

It is validated that the numerical methods can absolutely predict the flow in the microchannels . the flow field around the roughness and the pressure drop of midline along flow direction are analyzed . it ' s found that the range of the pressure drop change relate to the magnitude of relative roughness , the distance between two parallel planes , the re number and ratio of the size of roughness and the distance between two roughness 通過對粗糙元周圍流場和充分發展段中心線壓力曲線的分析,發現有粗糙元存在的兩平行平板間微通道,其充分發展段壓降大于光滑平板充分發展段壓降;當相對粗糙度和re不變時,隨著板間距的減小,粗糙度對主流的影響不斷增大;當板間距和相對粗糙度不變時,在層流狀態下,粗糙度對流動的影響不隨re的變化而變化;當板間距和re保持不變時,相對粗糙度越大,其對流動的影響就越大。

These are 1 ) the case of an inversely impacted permanent maxillary incisor secondary to a supernumerary tooth , and 2 ) the case of severe root dilacerations of a horizontally impacted incisor with midline deviation , severe space deficiency and congenital absence of bilateral mandibular lateral incisors 第二個病例是一位十一歲六個月的女孩,他的左上顎正中門牙因為牙根大角度彎曲,造成水平阻生,同時合并有空間喪失,中線不正,嚴重空間不足及雙側下顎側門牙先天缺牙等問題。

This exhibition is sponsored by wuxi ectronics industry association and wuxi midline trade & exhibition co . , ltd . , relying on numerous experience of undertaking professional exhibition of organizing committee , this exhibition will be the largest electronic exhibition in east - chin , and will bring participating enterprises limitless business opportunity and heavy harvest 本次展會由無錫電子工業協會,無錫中際貿易展覽有限公司主辦,憑借組委會多次承辦專業展會的經驗,本次展會將是華東地區最具規模的電子展會,本會將為廣大參展參觀企業帶來無限商機和更大的收獲。

Based on research of the fringe method , the midline method , the depth restrict method , and so on , the paper puts forwards new method of contour extracting - - the gray barycenter based on edge ( gbbe ) . contour extracting is kernel problem of slim 論文在分析了邊緣法、中線法、基于骨架的灰度重心法、深度約束法等輪廓提取方法的基礎上,對結構光圖像法的核心問題一一光帶輪廓提取,提出了一種新的光帶提取方法? ?基于邊緣的灰度重心法。

The article analyzes the traditional ways for modeling the turning point and the gradient , then puts forwards the better ways for it by using model to set down the direction in turning point and measuring in the midline , thus enhancing the efficiency 摘要分析了轉點和坡度放樣的傳統方法,提出了采用模型放樣折線洞中線、在洞中線掛線上量測長度進行坡度放樣的簡易方法,提高了工作的效率。

This is the vertical plane passing lengthwise through the midline of the body from front to back , dividing it into right and left halves , except for such internal organs as the heart and liver that do not lie in the midline 縱向由前向后貫穿人體正中線的垂直面,將人體分為左、右兩半,一些不在正中線上的內臟如心、肝等除外。

The outer contour of the silhouette is projected along the midline of the body to obtain the fore - and - aft midline projection vectors , which are then combined into one dimensional vector as the gait feature 將外輪廓沿人體中線投影可以得到前后兩個向量,合成1d向量( midlineprojectionvector ,中線投影向量)作為步態特征。

Results the vasectomy via the ventral midline incision , compared to that via the scrotal incision , considerably reduced scrotal edema and adhesion of the testis and epididymis with the surrounding tissue 結果與經陰囊切口相比,經腹正中切口的兔輸精管結扎術可明顯減輕陰囊水腫以及睪丸、附睪與周圍組織的粘連。

If you cannot see the vocal cords or epiglottis after positioning the laryngoscope blade , you have probably inserted the blade too far or have not placed the blade precisely in the midline 如果在調整好喉鏡窺視片位置后,不能觀察到聲帶或會厭,可能是由于窺視片插入太深或未能將其精確地放置于正中線所致。

The first image is a reference drawing of the basic normal 4 - chamber view ( figure 2 ) , with the cardiac apex and the descending aorta on the left and the axis of the heart at about 45 from the midline 圖2是基本的正常四腔心切面的參考示意圖,心尖和降主動脈在左側,心臟的軸線和中線呈45 。

The bilaterally symmetric dark discolored areas seen superiorly and just lateral to the midline represent recent infarction in the watershed zone between anterior and middle cerebral arterial circulations 明顯雙側對稱的黑的褪色區域,表示在大腦動脈環的前部和中部之間的區域最近出現的梗死。

Conclusion rabbits vasal ligation that is distant from the scrotum and epididymis via a ventral midline incision could lessen surgical trauma and reduce early post - operational complications 結論遠離陰囊和附睪的經下腹正中切口的兔輸精管結扎術,可減輕手術創傷,減少術后早期并發癥。

Crossing the midline of the body with this movement stimulates the 300 million nerve cells of the corpus callosum . the corpus callosum is known as the brain ? s superhighway 超越身體中線的動作可刺激胼胝體內三億條軸突纖維,胼胝體(連接左右腦的主要路徑)被稱為腦部超級高速公路。

Each limb is distributed by taiyin and yangming meridians are on the anterior border , shaoyin and taiyang meridians are on the posterior border , and jueyin and shaoyang meridians are on the midline 太陰和陽明分布于肢體的前部,少陰和太陽分布于后部,厥陰和少陽分布于中部。

The midline lumbosacral area , the sacroiliac joint region , the posterosuperior iliac spine , the high iliac crest area , and the low midline sacrococcygeal region are all included in the back 腰背部包括腰骶中線區、骶髂關節區域、髂部后上棘、髂骨嵴以上范圍和骶尾部。

The irregular posterior fossa mass that is seen here near the midline of the cerebellum and extending into the fourth ventricle above the brainstem is a medulloblastoma 不規則顱后窩腫塊即髓母細胞瘤,在小腦中線附近并且延伸至腦干之上的第四腦室。