
midland n.,adj.內地(的);中部地方(的);被陸地包圍著的...


Don t you think twould have been better for us to wait till you were quite settled in your midland farm “要是我們等到完全在你中部的農場安頓下來以后再結婚,你不認為更好些嗎? ”

But in the midlands and the industrial north gulf impassable , across which no communication could take place 但是在中部和北部的工業區,他們間的隔絕是言語所難形容的。

Taking just a little money with her , she wanders about the midland moors , vainly seeking employment 她身上僅帶了少許的錢,在英格蘭中部荒原上四處漂泊徒勞地求職。

The draft should be drawn under “ the documentary credit no . 558 / 270557 of midland bank plc ” 一俟提示符合于本信用證規定條款所開立并進行議付的匯票即予兌現。

Aside from moving ahead of midland and super aguri , what other improvements have taken place 除了跑在米德蘭和超級亞久里車隊的前面之外,還有什么別的改進嗎?

Omed aziz was also banned from driving for three years at warley magistrates ‘ court in oldbury , west midlands 此外,他在今后3年內還被禁止駕駛任何車輛。

The characteristics and sustainable development tactic of midland oasis agriculture in northwest arid regions 西北干旱區內陸綠洲農業特征及可持續發展策略

Andfrom midland lee , coach eari miller ' s got a - - well , that ' sjustyourbasic u . s . quarter 米德蘭李隊的教練厄爾?米勒有. . .很好,有個普通的兩角五分硬幣

Andfrom midland lee , coach eari miller ' s got a - well , that ' sjustyourbasic u . s . quarter 米德蘭李隊的教練厄爾米勒有.很好,有個普通的兩角五分硬幣

So , the good news is that life continues for both midland lee and permian high schools 那么,好消息是:米德蘭李高中和帕米亞高中將繼續參加比賽

The urbanization of chinese midland under endogenous growth and the development of sme 內生增長前提下中國中部城市化進程路徑選擇和中小企業發展

He could sometimes get madrid or frankfurt , even there in the uneasy midlands 雖然米德蘭的氣候不好,但是有時他還可以聽著瑪德里和法蘭克福的。

Yeah , but , honey , midland is our home . i mean , the kids ' lives are here 是的,但是,親愛的, midland是我們的家我的意思是孩子的生活都在這里

Formerly known as midland bank plc , hsbc bank plc is a uk based bank wholly - owned by hsbc holdings plc 前稱,總部設于英國,由全資擁有。

Midland bank , ltd 米蘭銀行

And all the unease , the ever - shifting dread of the industrial night in the midlands 這一切米德蘭工業區的夜的不安和永久的恐怖。

Midland is close by 米蘭就在附近

Two thugs from the perth suburb of midland catch the last train to fremantle 來自柏斯市郊的流氓趕上了往弗里曼特爾的末班車。

Those times when i ran away from midland , i was gonna go to chicago 當我們離開老家的時候我首先想到去我最喜歡的地方芝加哥