
midheaven 中空;中天;【天文學】子午圈。


Then i looked , and i heard an eagle flying in midheaven , saying with a loud voice , “ woe , woe , woe to those who dwell on the earth , because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound ! 啟8 : 13我又看見一個鷹飛在空中、并聽見他大聲說、三位天使要吹那其馀的號、你們住在地上的民、禍哉、禍哉、禍哉。

You could also have the galactic center as sun , ascendant , midheaven , or other sensitive point in your charts 你應該也有銀河系中心點,比如太陽,運星和子午圈,或者在你的圖表上的其他敏感點。