
midgut n.【解剖學】中腸。


The foci located the basal in midgut not in control but also in test , the results showed that the addition of optical brighteners did n ' t change the spots of infection but improved the viral enhancement , in addition , infection of hemolymph cell showed that optical brightener increased sensitivity of larvae to virus , forming more foci 可見,對于處于不同時齡的供試幼蟲接種病毒時,添加熒光增白劑均可提高病毒在中腸組織中的感染能力。從病毒在中腸中形成的病灶部位可以看出,實驗組與對照組的病灶均靠近中腸的基底膜,熒光增白劑的加入并不能改變病毒在中腸組織的感染部位。

Suggesting that the larvae of spodoptera exigua died more quickly when fb - 28 were added to the virus . the larvae of spodoptera exigua inoculated as newly molted fourth instars ( 40s ) and at various hours after molting ( 316s ) , we sacrificed larvae at various time intervals after inoculation to process the larvae for lacz expression in midgut by using tissue section techniques on early phase infection 此外,對于處于不同蟲齡的幼蟲進行病毒感染時發現:對3 ~ ( 16 )幼蟲毒力生物測定時,熒光增白劑的增效作用達到50 ,但對4齡初的供試幼蟲進行測定,熒光增白劑的增效作用卻不很明顯,僅為10 。

Aliquots of cells were mixed 0 . 15 % mg / ml fb - 28 , and kept at 4c for 30min , fusion assays were conducted : fluorescence was measured immediately at regular time - points with fluorescence spectrophotometer with an excitation wave length of 560nm and emission wave length of 590nm . the percentages of membrane fusion was calculated . by monitoring fusion using the r18 assay , we found that the fluorescent brightener 28 influenced membrane fusion of virus and midgut epithelia cells 此外,采用分子探針r18 (熒光標記物)標記病毒囊膜,體外分離中腸上皮細胞,將標記的病毒粒子與離體中腸上皮細胞混合后保溫,病毒吸附zh后,通過檢測熒光的變化來監測病毒粒子與上皮細胞的融合。

In addition , we designed a test : the midgut was removed from spodoptera exigua larvae and was cut longitudinally into halves , the midgut epithelia were cleaned and digested with dispase ii , the pelleted cells in grace medium with 7 % fbs supplemented with 100units / ml penicillin , 100ug / ml streptomycin were cooled and then suspended in r18 - labelled virus 實驗結果表明,在幼蟲的病毒接種物中添加合適濃度的熒光增白劑( 0 . 01g . ml一’ )不會改變病毒在幼蟲中腸組織中的感染部位,卻可以提高幼蟲對病毒的敏感性,增加了病毒毒力。

Fixed with gluteraldehyde , stained with ph 7 . 4 phosphate buffered x - gal dye solution , observed by reverse microscope , the results are as follow : the percent of larvae expressing lacz in midgut showed that fb - 28 improved the sensitivity of larvae to virus 病毒感染后的8h , 12h , 16h , 20h提取中腸組織,按常規石蠟包埋切片進行洗滌、透明、浸蠟、包埋、切片、粘片等操作程序,制成連續切片,在倒置顯微鏡下逐一進行觀察計數。

Embryologically , the anatomy of the cecal and pericecal peritoneum is not determined until the 5th fetal month , when the migration of the midgut is complete , with the cecum fixed in the right colic fossa and resorption of the peritoneal surfaces ( 39 , 40 ) 胚胎發育中,胎兒5個月時盲腸和盲腸旁的腹膜解剖才明確,此時中腸移位完成,盲腸固定在右側結腸隱窩,重新附著腹膜面。

Since left colic flexure is a segment of embryonic hindgut and the splenic artery typically supplies the foregut , the condition in which an artery of foregut crosses midgut to supply an area of the hindgut becomes interesting 本例中變異之動脈發源自供應前腸之脾動脈,再跨越了胚胎中腸部份,而供應原屬于后腸發育出之結腸左曲,實為一種罕見的變異狀況。

Because intestinal obstruction is the primary manifestation , neonatal intussusception is initially indistinguishable from obstructions due to other reasons like intestinal atresia , congenital bands , necrotizing enterocolitis or midgut volvulus 由于新生兒腸套疊以腸阻塞為最初的臨床表徵,所以應該和其它腸阻塞例如腸閉鎖、壞死性腸炎、腸扭結做區分。

There were copper granules in the cells of midgut . a lot of vacuolus occurred in the cytoplasm of the cells . the cristae in mitochondria were disintegrated partially and copper granules were absorbed into mitochondria 中腸細胞內也分布有銅顆粒,細胞質出現空泡化;線粒體內嵴部分解體,并有銅顆粒附著在線粒體上。

Optical brighteners ca n ' t change the part of infection , but it improves viral enhancement on pathogenesis of midgut 此結果表明熒光增白劑對不同蟲齡階段的幼蟲增效能力存在較大的差異。

There were a few of mercury granules in the cells , and the structure of the cells of midgut was damaged 中腸細胞內分布有少量汞顆粒,細胞結構受到破壞。

The number of foci in midgut showed : foci became more with the delay of infection times 在相同時間內實驗組中的病灶數目明顯多于對照組中的病灶數目。