
midget n.1.〔加拿大〕蚋。 2. 小照片(又叫midgetp...


The earthquake force was ignored during designing midget pump station , while the pseudo - static method just gave approximate calculation to the large and medium pump station ever 在以往的泵站設計中,對于小型泵站,一般不考慮地震力;對于大中型泵站,即使考慮地震載荷大多都運用擬靜力法,進行大致的近似計算。

Nevertheless , like a two - edged sword , the economic pattern of “ southern giants and northern midgets “ greatly influenced the progressive rate of economically regional intergration in southeast asia 可是, “南強北弱”的經濟格局象一柄雙刃劍影響著東南亞經濟區域整合的進度。

Candies or pennies should always be on hand to dole out to the oddly dressed midgets , doubling for goblins , who ring his doorbell and demand “ trick or treat 手頭總需備些糖果或一分的硬幣施舍給那些穿著奇裝異服、扮作妖怪的小矮人,這些小矮人上門要求“給些糖果” 。

What child does not know the story of the brave sailor gulliver as he travels through lands in which he is at turn both a giant and a midget 哪個孩子不知道勇敢的水手格列佛周游各地,一會兒變成巨人,一會兒又變成小小人兒的故事呢?

When you smoke cigarette you ' re likely to burn yourself to death ; with chewing tobacco the worst thing you can do is drown a midget 當你抽煙之時,很可能燒死自己;如果是嚼煙,糟透了你也頂多是(用你的唾沫)淹死一個侏儒罷了。

Gordon : fine . don ' t take my word for it just ask the two circus midgets i used to share with . maybe you ' re too spacious 戈登:好的,別只聽我說,你可問問曾跟我同住的兩個馬戲團侏儒,或許是你個子太大了吧。

Effect of propyl dihydrojasmonate on the ultrastructure of root tip of midget cr abapple seedling 丙基雙氫茉莉酸酯對海棠幼苗根尖超微結構的影響

I just personally prefer my stone skinned , gun wielding midget over the night elf bowyers 我個人喜歡一個厚皮,帶槍的侏儒勝過暗夜弓手。

James bond : i ' ve never killed a midget before , but there can always be a first time 占士邦:我之前從沒有殺過侏儒,但凡事總有第一次。

Because if a midget and a drunk can beat us , i ' d eat my own jockstrap 如果一個侏儒喝一個酒鬼可以打敗我們,我會吃點我的下體彈力護身

Brazil nuts - inshell and shelled - extra - large , large , medium , midget sizes 巴西堅果- -帶殼和去殼的- -超大型、大型、中型、小型。

For what , a midget 給誰的?侏儒?

Shut the fuck up , midget 閉嘴,侏儒

Switchgear for aircraft . 1 . 5 ampere double pole reverse current midget relays 飛機電氣開關裝置. 1 . 5a小型雙極逆流繼電器

Switchgear for aircraft . sealed double pole reverse current midget relays 飛機開關裝置.雙極反向密封超小型繼電器

Study on midgets in the tang dynasty 唐代侏儒考

I look around for women and children , midgets and dwarves , 我周圍張望,看看有沒有女人和小孩,有沒有侏儒和小矮人

I can get another midget , too 我也能找個別的矮子

Tom , you can ' t say “ midget . 湯姆,你不能說“侏儒“