
midge n.1.(蚊、蚋等)小蟲;蠓;極小的魚。2.小個子;侏儒...


He would not cross the door - stones of the house , except at night , when he walked just like a ghost about the grounds and in the orchard as if he had lost his senses - which it is my opinion he had ; for a more spirited , bolder , keener gentleman than he was before that midge of a governess crossed him , you never saw , ma am 他連門檻都不跨出去。除了夜里,他會像一個幽靈那樣在庭院和果園里游蕩仿佛神經錯亂似的依我看是這么回事。他敗在那位小個子女教師手里之前,小姐,你從來沒見過哪位先生像他那么活躍,那么大膽那么勇敢。

By that time , the high product standards that he instituted had propelled his company to international distinction as a manufacturer of web tension control equipment . that tradition continues with margaret montalvo , eds widow as ceo , and his son ed and daughter midge as co - managing directors 在他的夫人瑪格利特margaret montalvo接任公司ceo及他的兒子艾德ed和女兒米琪midge擔任公司聯合董事后,全球化進程一直得以延續。

The hotel is located in the business centre of haikou city with beautiful surroundings and transport facilities around , it is the first choice for the businessman and the travelers with gaily decorated , perfect facilities and the fast midge service 酒店位于海口市中心繁華商業區,位置優越,環境優美,交通便利,裝修華麗典雅,以現代化的完善設備,快捷周到無微不至的服務精神,成為商務客人和旅游者在海口下榻的首選

Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis produce crystal proteins which can be converted into toxins in the gut of the mosquito larva . the toxins act on larvae of limited species including mosquitoes , blackflies and non - biting midges . rodent control 蘇云金桿菌會產生蛋白質結晶體,而結晶體在蚊子幼蟲的腸內化為毒素,這些毒素會令某些品種(包括蚊子、墨蚋、不叮不咬的蠓)的幼蟲中毒。

Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis produce crystal proteins which can be converted into toxins in the gut of the mosquito larva . the toxins act on larvae of limited species including mosquitoes , blackflies and non - biting midges 蘇云金桿菌會產生蛋白質結晶體,而結晶體在蚊子幼蟲的腸內化為毒素,這些毒素會令某些品種包括蚊子墨蚋不叮不咬的蠓的幼蟲中毒。

It is epidemic disease midge , area of southeast asia tropics is very much , may deadly , the symptom is slight have a fever , have a headache , the person that singapore died because of epidemic disease midge 2007 has 20 to arrive 30 people 是疫蚊,東南亞熱帶地區很多,可能會致命,癥狀是稍微發燒、頭痛, 2007年新加坡因為疫蚊而死掉的人有20到30人。

Midge : it ' s brand new . revolutionary up - lift : no shoulder straps , no back straps , but it does everything a brassiere should do . works on the principle of the cantilevered bridge 米姬:這是全新的。革命性的改良。沒有肩帶,也沒有背帶,但是所有胸罩的功能它都有。運用懸臂式橋梁的原理來支撐。

Barbie ' s long - time pal , midge - now married and pregnant - was yanked from wal - mart stores inc . shelves after customers complained about the doll , melissa berryhill , a wal - mart spokeswoman said 該公司的女發言人梅利莎貝里希爾稱,有許多顧客對這個娃娃的形象表示不滿。

Midge is sold as part of the “ happy family “ set , wearing a tiny wedding ring and a detachable stomach with a curled - up baby inside 米姬是作為“幸福家庭“系列中的成員出售的。她戴著一枚小小的結婚戒指,腹部可以解開,里面還蜷縮著一個嬰兒。

A seminar dealing with a rat - free city and the control of fleas and biting midges is held for representatives of government departments and the trade 為政府部門及業界代表舉辦“無鼠患城市及蚤類和吸血蠓的防治”講座。

Farm animals can be cooped up , albeit at a price , but the midges that transmit the bluetongue virus cannot 家畜可以被圈禁起來,雖然多少要花點錢;不過傳播藍舌病的蚊蟲就關不起來了。

Midge : an aircraft engineer down the peninsula designed it ; he worked it out in his spare time 米姬:一個住在半島區那邊的飛機工程師設計的;他用?暇的時間發明的。

Pesticide guidelines for the field efficacy trials part 76 : insecticides against stem gall midge on rice 農藥田間藥效試驗準則二第76部分:殺蟲劑防治水稻稻癭蚊

Pesticide guidelines for the field efficacy trials part 78 : insecticides against blossom midge on wheat 農藥田間藥效試驗準則二第78部分:殺蟲劑防治小麥吸漿蟲

Well , i live on an isle in scotland , and we have midges in summer sometimes 嗯,我住在蘇格蘭的一個島上,夏天有的時候會有那種咬人的小蟲。

The toxins act on larvae of limited species including mosquitoes , blackflies and non - biting midges 包括蚊子、墨蚋、不叮不咬的蠓

Analysis on the occurrence characteristics and reason of rice gall midge in le ' an county in 樂安縣2001年稻癭蚊發生特點及原因分析

Mosquito midges bite 蚊蠓叮咬

The toxins act on larvae of limited species including mosquitoes , blackflies and non - biting midges 包括蚊子墨蚋不叮不咬的蠓