
middleweight adj. 【拳、摔跤】中量級(的)。2.n. 中量級拳擊...


February 11 , 2006 - little rock , ark . - - jermain taylor and winky wright will fight in a middleweight championship bout june 17 , agreeing to a deal friday after more than a month of on - again , off - again negotiations 2006年2月11日來自阿肯色州小石城的消息? ?杰馬因?泰勒與溫吉?萊特將在6月17日為爭奪中量級冠軍進行比賽,經過一個多月的行還是不行的協商,最終星期五達成一致。

After winning the olympic middleweight title in 1948 , hungary ' s l szl papp won the light - middleweight crown in 1952 and 1956 to become the first boxer to win three olympic gold medals 在奪得1948年奧運會中量級拳擊冠軍后,匈牙利選手拉斯洛?帕普又連續在1952年和1956年奧運會中量級拳擊比賽中奪冠,他因此成為第一個贏得三枚奧運金牌的拳擊選手。

The former middleweight , super middleweight and cruiserweight champ worked his way back from that ignominy , albeit by winning just once , over dominic gunn in october 這位前中量級、超中量級和輕重量級拳王自那次羞辱事件后重新回頭,在10月份打敗了多米克?古恩后,僅贏了一次。

This unique combination of skills and physical attributes means that williams presents a difficult challenge to anyone south of the middleweight division 這種獨特技能和體能的綜合,意味著威廉姆斯對于任何處于中量級級別的人來說,都呈現一次困難的挑戰。

Jeff , you have said that your dream was to unify the super middleweight division . win , lose or draw , are you going to continue that quest after this fight 杰夫,你已經說了你的夢想是要統一超中量級。是贏,是輸還是平,在這次比賽之后你將繼續追逐嗎?

This unique combination of skills and physical attributes means that williams presents a difficult challenge to anyone south of the middleweight division 這種身體特點和技術特點的完美結合對于泛中量級的任何拳手都是個巨大的挑戰。

A year before that , holyfield was outclassed and stopped by james toney , the former middleweight champ who went on win the heavyweight crown 一年前,霍利菲爾德被詹姆斯?托尼大大超過并被擊倒,這位前中量級冠軍繼續贏得重量級王冠。

Taylor beat bernard hopkins in july to win the middleweight championship , then beat him again in december 泰勒在去年7月份擊敗伯納德?霍普金斯后贏得中量級冠軍,而后在12月份再次打敗他。

You have the undisputed middleweight champion and the undisputed junior middleweight champion bumping heads 你們擁有無可爭議的中量級冠軍和無可爭議的次中量級冠軍大碰撞。

The big names are in the super middleweight division , and that has not happened 知名人物都在超中量級,并且還沒發生什么。

Her middleweight wannabe of the world , wouldn ' t be where he is 如果沒有她這位中量級冠軍夢想者將不會有現在的地位

. . . luther ' s the next middleweight champ . you know it , i know it 盧瑟是下一個中量級冠軍你清楚,我也清楚

The european middleweight championship 歐洲中量級錦標賽

Luther ' s the next middleweight champ . you know it , i know it 盧瑟是下一個中量級冠軍你清楚,我也清楚

He ' s sparring with a fast middleweight , training to cutyou off 它的出拳迅速,有力專門是用來對付你的

Round one for the super middleweight 第一回合超級中量級

The european middleweight championship . . 歐洲中量級冠軍拳賽. .

For the wbc middleweight championship of the world 中量級冠軍賽

She was on the undercard of a middleweight title fight 她的比賽是一場中量級拳王賽的墊場賽