
middleware 【計算機】中件〔執行控制程序和應用程序之間的中間任務之軟...


Middleware is the key technology of distributed object technology 中間件技術是分布對象技術的關鍵。

Application of middleware in banks 中間件及其在銀行中的應用

No . 7 signaling monitoring system based on communication middleware 基于通信中間件的七號信令監測系統

Then it designs the model and structure of the rfid middleware 進而設計了rfid中間件的模型和結構。

Application of middleware technology in intelligent home networks 中間件技術在智能家庭網絡中的應用

Application of middleware technology to web system 系統中的應用

Application of middleware technology in mes system 系統中的應用

And this is where middleware comes in 這正是中間件的用武之地。

Implementation of a xml - based knowledge integration middleware system 的知識集成中間件系統實現

Three tier c s model application basd on database middleware 基于數據庫中間件的三層次應用開發

The middleware is samba open source 中間件是samba (開放源碼) 。

Connectivity to enterprise application integration middleware 企業應用程序集成中間件的連接性

An open - source platform for xml middleware ,它是xml 、 rdf和知識管理應用程序的開放源碼平臺。

Another branch of middleware is message oriented middleware 另一個分支是面向消息的中間件。

Heterogeneous data sources integration based on xml middleware 中間件實現異構數據源集成研究

Architecture of campus - grid data integration middleware 校園網格數據集成中間件體系結構研究

The client uses the grid middleware to invoke the service 客戶機使用網格中間件調用服務。

Apis that are specific to the middleware 庫也調用特定于某種中間件的m

What are our choices of ssi middleware 我們所選擇的ssi中間件是什么?