
middleton n.米德爾頓〔姓氏〕。


The prince , 23 , held discussions with miss middleton ' s millionaire father , michael , over publication of photographs in the autumn of her on a london bus going for a job interview 就在“王子女友找工作”的照片傳開后,威廉王子和女友父親邁克爾-米德爾頓共同商討了對策。

Prince william ' s girlfriend kate middleton has been given an unprecedented invite to spend christmas day with the british royal family , the mail on sunday newspaper reported 據英國星期日郵報報道,威廉王子的女友凱特米德爾頓日前收到英國王室共度圣誕節的特別邀請。

William ' s former girlfriend kate middleton attended the concert , further fueling rumors that the couple , who announced their split in april , have reconciled 威廉王子的前女友凱特?米德爾頓也出席了音樂會,這使先前有關這對于4月分手的情侶重燃愛火的傳聞進一步“升級” 。

The odds of a british royal wedding seem to be looking better and better as new revelations surface about prince william ' s relationship with girlfriend kate middleton 隨著新披露有關威廉王子和女友凱特?密道頓的關系浮上?面,英國王室舉行婚禮的可能性似愈來愈看好。

According to his friends , prince william feels that miss middleton ' s future happiness and the survival of their relationship depend on protecting her from overly - intrusive photographers 今年秋天,米德爾頓小姐在前往求職應聘的途中,于倫敦的一輛公交車上被偷拍。

A rare invitation to join the royal family for christmas . kate middleton , 24 , has said she will only join them if she and the future king get married , the mail on sunday reported 據每日郵報報道, 24歲的凱特米德爾頓說,她和威廉王子結婚前不會和王室共度圣誕。

Other british stars in the list include nigella lawson , joan collins , rachel weisz , charlotte church and carol vorderman . prince william ' s girlfriend kate middleton is in 77th place 前辣妹組合成員維多利亞位列第49位,而被媒體形容為奢侈無度的科琳排在第92位。

British retailer woolworths has produced 100 , 000 commemorative souvenirs ready to be deployed to stores if william and middleton get engaged 英國雜貨零售商伍爾沃思公司已提前為兩人的訂婚儀式設計制造了10萬件紀念品,以便在婚約宣布后的第一時間上架銷售。

William met middleton in 2001 when the pair were students at the university of st andrews in scotland . they became flatmates and began dating in 2004 威廉王子和米德爾頓于2001年在蘇格蘭圣?安德魯大學上學時相識。 2004年,兩人同租一套公寓并開始約會。

It will inevitably lead to increased speculation that it is only a matter of time before prince william , 23 , and miss middleton get married themselves 如今王子又偕女友公開出席婚禮,再次表明23歲的他與24歲的凱特步入婚姻殿堂已是指日可待。

The friend reportedly added that middleton and william keep a wall chart with a tally of how many times newspapers predict they will get married 據米德爾頓的這位朋友透露,米德爾頓和威廉王子還制作了一幅統計媒體預測他倆婚期總次數的掛圖。

Nerys jones and matthew middleton first met two years ago on a photo shoot , posing as the celebrity couple for a sunday newspaper 兩年前,妮瑞絲?瓊斯和馬修?米德爾頓在一次拍照中結識。他們當時“冒充”明星小貝夫婦為一家星期日報拍攝照片。

Stricken by her split from prince william and under pressure from concerned workmates , kate middleton finally let slip the bitterness she meant to hide 受到和威廉王子分手的打擊以及來自熱心同事的壓力,凱特最終道出了其試圖掩飾的痛苦。

Although middleton has insisted that she “ is no princess diana , “ she certainly seems to be dressing for the part that the iconic spencer played so well 盡管凱特一再表示,她“不是戴安娜王妃” ,但她的衣著打扮顯然是戴安娜曾經的風格。

Prince william and miss middleton , who were among 300 guests , were both looking sun - tanned after a holiday together in the caribbean 威廉王子和女友置身于300多名賓客中,二人被曬紅的臉還提醒著人們熱戀中的他們剛從加勒比海度假歸來。

Royal weddings always have a fairy tale aura complete with horses and carriages . but a wedding between william and middleton might be different 婚禮通常充滿童話故事的氣氛,馬和四輪馬車一應俱全,但威廉和密道頓的婚禮可能完全不同。

Seen here in similar blue dresses , kate middleton - - like diana before her - - is considered by many as the ideal princess - in - waiting 圖中戴安娜與凱特都身著相似的藍色連衣裙。就像當年的戴安娜一樣,凱特被許多人認為是理想的準王妃。

Kate middleton , 24 , has said she will only join them if she and the future king get married , the mail on sunday reported 據《每日郵報》報道, 24歲的凱特?米德爾頓說,她和威廉王子結婚前不會和王室共度圣誕。

Kate middleton , 24 , has said she will only join them if she and the future king get married , the mail on sunday reported 據每日郵報報道, 24歲的凱特米德爾頓說,她和威廉王子結婚前不會和王室共度圣誕。