
middlemost adj.正中的。


This article raised discussion of the favorable political value of “ civilian type restriction “ in jin yong ' s novels in three aspects : the position of political value and his complex , the status of jin yong ' s political value and his political cultural criticism , and the benign middlemost political value of civilian type restriction 摘要從三個方面闡述金庸作品中“民間式制衡”的良性政治價值觀:政治觀于金庸作品中的地位及其政治情結,金庸政治觀的立場及其政治文化批判,民間式制衡的良性中庸政治價值觀。

For they were in three stories , but had not pillars as the pillars of the courts : therefore the building was straitened more than the lowest and the middlemost from the ground 結42 : 6圣屋有三層、卻無柱子、不像外院的屋子有柱子所以上層比中下兩層更窄。

Now the upper chambers were shorter : for the galleries were higher than these , than the lower , and than the middlemost of the building 結42 : 5圣屋因為樓廊占去些地方、所以上層比中下兩層窄些。