
middleman 掮客,中間人。


But since they affect only the market dogsbodies , rather than the middlemen , they actually seem designed to remove non - slavic faces from the stalls 莫斯科的許多的俄羅斯人仍然依靠廉價的市場攤位來維持每日的生活。

Retailers are middlemen who sell goods or services to consumers and represent the final link between producers and end - users 零售商是`把商品與服務出售給消費者的中間商,代表著聯系生產商與最終用戶之間的最終紐帶。

Such transformation of the middleman role from physical world to cyberspace will be the next phase of hong kong s economic restructuring 因此,香港下一階段的經濟轉型將是把物質世界的中介角色轉移到數碼空間當中。

China s accession to the wto would not diminish hong kong s role as a middleman , at least for the next three to five years 中國加入世界貿易組織不會削弱香港的中介角色,起碼在未來3至5年內不會出現這個情況。

Fortunately , there exist middlemen , agents , freight forwarders and brokers to assist the shipper with international movement 幸運的是,有許多中間商、代理商、貨代和經紀人幫助托運人進行國際貿易往來。

When a company advertises its business , it is done through an adverting medium that serves as a middleman for the company and you 當一家公司廣告業務,它是通過一個廣告中,充當中間人,為公司和你。

Buying direct means producers get a fair price , with no middlemen adding big margins along the distribution chain 直接從生產者那里購買可以令其得到公平價格,沒有流轉過程中的中間環節剝奪其利潤。

Both sellers and buyers would do better than in the illegal market , where much of the money goes to the middleman 買賣雙方都要比在非法市場上更合算,因為那里的不少錢財都落到了中間人的腰包。

The remaining 30 % or so goes to wholesale and retailing middlemen . this is quite similar elsewhere in the world (剩下的大約30到了批發商與零售中間商那里。在世界上其它地方也大約如此。 )

The middleman company had tried to contact the salesman but in vain and therefore reported the case to police 而中介保險公司于接獲查詢后試圖聯絡該名新聘的保險經紀,但未能成功。

This may reduce the importance of middleman , which would have profound implications for the hong kong economy 這項改變將大大減低中介角色的重要性,對香港經濟將有深遠的影響。

In the new economy , the role of business middleman will remain but its functions and skills have changed 商業中介角色在新經濟中仍然存在,但其功用和所需的技術已經改變。

Middlemen create this utility to make sure that the consumers get what they need where they want it 中間商創造這種效用確保消費者無論何時何地獲得這些人所需要的東西。

We understand your position in being a middleman . all right , i make an exception and give you two percent 我們很理解中間商的處境,好吧,我破例給你百分之二的傭金。

There are concerns that the middleman role of hong kong may diminish vis - a - vis the emergence of shanghai 上海的崛起,令人憂慮到香港的中介地位是否會逐漸衰落。

Can buy close fund , trade with the stock , but collect middleman ' s fee only , do not collect stamp tax 可以買封閉基金,和股票一樣交易,但只收傭金,不收印花稅。

Marketing middlemen fill the gap by carrying advertising and giving out sales literature , etc (市場營銷中間商通過刊登廣告與分發推銷資料等等,填補其空白。 )

Producers , consumers , and middlemen all share the responsibility for the sharp rise in food costs 生產者,消費者,中間人都對食品費用的急劇上漲負有責任。

All the insurance policies were handled by a newly recruited salesman of the middleman company 該十七份保單均由中介保險公司的一名新聘的保險經紀所簽發。