
middle-class adj.中間階級的;〔罕用語〕品質中等的。

middle-high german

We have already glanced at one of the most important causes for this huge new audiencethe increased leisure and widespread but limited literacy of middle-class women . 我們已經簡單地提到形成這一巨大新讀者群的重要原因之一中產階級婦女的生活越來越悠閑安逸,她們雖然文化水平有限,但普遍都識字。

For, after all, he had only been eight years exiled form middle-class gentility, and he had been a waiter half that time . 因為,歸根結蒂,他給中產紳士階級排擠出來才不過八年,而其中有一半的時候他都是當侍者的。

In poor countries, live-in servants are present in homes not only of the wealthy but also of middle-class families . 在貧窮國家,不僅富裕家庭,而且中等階級家庭也有常住的傭人。

It was one of the most sweeping indictments of american capitalism ever drawn by a middle-class group . 這是中產階級集團草擬的對美國資本主義最徹底的控訴書之一。

I thought “mr. britling“ is a very good study of the english middle-class soul . 依我看,《勃列得林先生》這本書是對英國中產階級靈魂的很好的分析研究。

The so-called middle-class values of thrift and independence are to be found in all classes . 所謂資產階級節儉和自力的社會準則是一切階級所共有的。

Do we want to know about the feelings of a middle-class woman with a taste for vice ? 我們難道要知道一個自甘墮落的中產階級女人的各種感情嗎?

From the white, middle-class english-speaking mold almost all of its teachers had emerged . 這里所有的教師也都是出身中產階級講英語的白人。

Conventionalism: rigid adherence to conventional middle-class values . 因襲主義;嚴守傳統的資產階級價值觀。

Jennifer hart was a fussy, middle-class woman . 詹尼弗哈特是個喜歡無事自擾的中產階級婦女。

He has a middle-class mind . 他有一種中產階級的思想。

You know that's just middle-class bunk . 你也知道,這邊只不過是中產階級的空話。

It was the middle-class female solidarity . 這是這位中產階級婦女的團結思想。