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middle course [way] 中庸,中道。

middle distance

Abstract : in order to achieve effective breaking through the enemy s anti - missile defense theatre and avoid intercepted by anti - missile defense system , many breakthrough methods have been implemented in middle course and re - entry phase of ballistic missile to protect the missile from acquisition , tracking and recognition by anti - missile system 文摘:彈道導彈為實現有效的突破反導防區而不被防御系統攔截,在其彈道中段和再入段采用了多種突防措施,以免受反導系統的搜索、跟蹤和識別。

( 1 ) the principles and approaches are explored on the post - evaluation of water resources planning and projects . ( 2 ) the post - evaluation model of the adjusting and regulating planning of huai river middle courses for flood protection . based on the model , the economical evaluation and comprehensive evaluation are completed in the chapter 5 一是探討水利規劃、水利工程項目后評價的原理、方法;二是建立淮干河道整治規劃后評價的模型,在此基礎上,對淮干中游河道整治規劃及工程項目進行了經濟評價、綜合評價。

( 2 ) in the chapter two , several general plannings of huai river catchment are discussed and successful and failing experiences are also summarized on the flood protection of huai river . ( 3 ) in the chapter three , the executive practice is analysed on the adjusting and regulating planning of huai river middle courses for flood protection 第二較為詳細地總結了新中國成立以來,淮河流域幾次規劃的成功經驗與存在的問題,分析了五十年代治淮方略及其骨干工程為淮河防洪奠定的良好基礎;同時指出六十年代、七十年代治淮工作指導思想中存在的問題。

The chair puffed slowly on , slowly surging into the forget - me - nots that rose up in the drive like milk froth , beyond the hazel shadows . clifford steered the middle course , where feet passing had kept a channel through the flowers . but connie , walking behind , had watched the wheels jolt over the wood - ruff and the bugle , and squash the little yellow cups of the creeping - jenny 小車子緩緩地前進,路上棒樹影遮不到的地方,蔓生著牛奶泡沫似的毋忘我花,車子打上面經過,克利,福在路中心歡呼著他的車,在花草滿地中,這路中心被腳步踐踏成一條小徑了。

On the basis of the method of boolean manipulation and minimization algorithm , when the independence minimal path sets is arranged by sort ascending according to the mine ventilation network branches , the calculation capacity of the middle course still can reducing further , and thus the optimum effect of boolean manipulation and minimization algorithm is achieved to calculating reliability of mine ventilation network system 根據不交化可靠度計算法,當最小獨立路集按所含網絡分支的多少進行升序排列時,還可進一步減少中間過程的計算量,從而達到最佳不交化簡化計算的效果。

To avoid the retardation of flood water , improve the discharging conditions and reduce flooding frequency and flowage damage on flood retarding basins , huai river commission made a decision to adjust and regulate the middle courses of huai river . the authorial thesis is based on the main part of huai river flood - protection planning , i . e . , the flood - protection planning of huai rivers middle courses . author of thesis participated in the drawing up and the administrating of the plan 為了擺脫中、小洪水行洪不暢,減少行、蓄洪區在中、小洪水條件下的行洪機遇,淮河水利委員會在淮河流域總體防洪規劃中,決定重點解決淮干中游河道防洪問題,論文作者親自參與制定了淮河中、上游河道防洪規劃制定工作,并組織、領導規劃中各項骨干工程的施工建設,前后數年之久。

They admitted that a war with such a genius as bonaparte they called him bonaparte again now did undoubtedly call for the profoundest tactical considerations and thorough scientific knowledge , and that on that side pfuhl was a genius . but , at the same time , they acknowledged that it could not be denied that theorists were often one - sided , and so one should not put implicit confidence in them , but should listen too to what pfuhls opponents urged , and also to the views of practical men who had experience , and should take a middle course 他們說,毫無疑問,戰爭,特別是同波拿巴又稱他叫波拿巴這樣的天才的戰爭,要求最深思熟慮的謀劃和淵博的科學知識,在這方面普弗爾是一個英才但同樣不能不承認,理論家往往有其片面性,所以不能完全相信他們,應該聽聽反對派普弗爾的意見,聽聽在軍事上有實踐經驗的人們的意見,然后加以折中。

Due to the hardware characteristic ' s limitation , such as the poor speed of a / d , d / a conversion and dsp process , the most part of sr system adopt middle course . that is to say , by using the special digital converter or running relevant arithmetic , it converts the radio signal to intermediate frequency signal and completes the base - band signal process that is n ' t the veriest sr and is named “ software defined radio ( sdr ) “ 由于受到硬件性能如a d 、 d a及dsp芯片處理速度的限制,目前的軟件無線電系統多采用折中的實現方案,增加專用的數字變頻器或者運行數字變頻算法,將射頻信號變頻到中頻,然后再進行基帶信號處理,這樣的軟件無線電系統又被稱之為“軟件定義無線電” ,它并不是真正意義上的軟件無線電。

Through introducing the cooperation case of harbin light industrial products i / e corp with isi corp , emerging the succeed in the beginning , the problems occurring in the middle course and the defect in the end of that cooperation , and analyzing the various reasons of this defect overall 本文通過對哈爾濱輕工進出口公司與isi公司貿易合作的案例介紹,展現了當年合作初期的成功、中期問題的出現到最后合作的失敗,全面分析了導致最后合作失敗的多方面原因。

If many forces are acting simultaneously in different directions on any body , the direction of its motion will not correspond with any one of the forces , but will always follow a middle course , the summary of them , what is expressed in mechanics by the diagonal of the parallelogram of forces 如果同時有許多各種不相同的力作用于某一物體,該物體運動的方向不可能與任何一個力的運動的方向相符合而總是平均最短的方向,即力學所說的平行四邊形的對角線。

The staff generals , elated by the easy victory of tarutino , urged on kutuzov that dorohovs suggestion should be acted upon . kutuzov did not consider any action necessary . a middle course , as was inevitable , was adopted ; a small detachment was sent to fominskoe to attack broussier 但庫圖佐夫則認為沒有必要發動任何進攻,于是采取了折衷辦法:做一件應該做的事,派一支不大的部隊到福明斯克去襲擊布魯西埃。

I really am quite ashamed to have been the cause of your undergoing such severe self - examination ; let us drop the subject , and adopt the middle course of delay , which implies neither a rupture nor an engagement 我真感到很慚愧,讓您這樣作嚴格的自我檢討。我們暫且先不提這件事,采取中和的辦法就是,放一放再說,不算破裂也不算成約,用不著忙。

Screen middle course , is our dear mother , it can control the mouse movement direction 畫面正中當然就是我們親愛的媽媽了,鼠標點擊可以控制移動方向。

A middle course is the safest 中庸之道最保險

Safety lies in the middle course 適可而止則安。

The influence of the buddhist thought of following the middle course on su shi 佛家中道思想對蘇軾的影響

Hong kong championshios - middle course 香港錦標賽-中距離賽

You must steer a middle course 中間之道才是應當采取的辦法。

Rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures in the middle course 中面層瀝青混合料抗車轍性能研究