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middle class 中產階級,中間階層。

middle course

They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other 他們令低下階層和中產階級互相爭斗

Attaching importance to the middle class 重視中產階層人士

He belongs to the lower middle class 他來自中產階級下層。

And kate was , sorry to say , way too middle class 實在很難啟齒,但凱特的問題出在她實在太中產階級了。

The rising of american middle class in the late half of 19th century 19世紀后半葉美國中產階級的興起

Lower - middle class lower class or grassroots 下層或基層階級

The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class 貧困階級的出現令中產階級膽顫心驚

Existence and bewilderment : consumption tension of city middle classes 中國城市中產階級的消費張力

Sociological perception of middle class 中間社會階層的社會學透視

The middle class pays all of the taxes , does all of the work 中產階級交所有的稅,做所有的工作

Income growth has almost come to a halt for the middle class 中層階級的收入增長幾乎出于停滯。

On the social coordinating funetion of the middle class in china 論中國中產階層的社會整合功能

On the nurture of middle class in transformational period of society 論轉型時期中產階級的培育

Your middle class form teacher ' s name is 您的高中班主任的名字是?

A person belonging to the middle class 中產階級屬于中產階級的一員

Several reflections on the study of contemporary middle class 關于當前中產階層研究的幾個思考

Only the professionals and the middle class were being neglected 他又指,大批專業人士參與

Rok middle class in social transformation 社會轉型中的韓國中產階級

Some enlightenments from the middle class ' s development in japan 日本中間階層發展的可鑒之處