
middle n.1.中央,正中;中間,中部;中途。2.人體的中部,腰...

middle age

He knew more about the middle ages than any man alive . 比起同時代的人,他對中世紀更有些研究。

We stuck hard and fast on the rocks in the middle of the river . 我們被阻滯在河當中的礁石上。

He has been to middle school . 他念過中學。

She also dreaded falling prey to the diseases of middle age . 她也害怕中年人容易染上的疾病。

In the middle of the night, he was awakened by thunder and rain . 半夜,他被雷雨驚醒過來。

You are new to the middle east . 你不熟悉中東。

The middle kingdom was dead . 中華帝國氣數盡了。

It's the middle of the night now . 現在已是午夜。

The middle core was loaded . 中間那塊巖芯曾加載。

She stole out of the house in the middle of the night . 她在半夜里偷偷地走出那所房子。

Charm is her middle name . 她突出之點就是很有風韻。

The story goes back to the middle of the nineteenth century . 故事追溯到19世紀中葉。

This middle path would guide him to the target . 這條中間的路線就可引導他飛向目標。

We could get along without middle east oil now . 目前我們沒有中東的石油也還過得去。

She did not get married until she was well into middle age . 她步入中年以后才結婚。

He parts his hair in the middle . 他把頭發在中間分開。

Interlibrary lending was not unknown in the middle ages . 中世紀已經有了館際互借。

The sun sets, so to speak, in the middle of the sky . 可以這樣說,太陽從中天落下。

We were cut off in the middle of our conversation . 我們正交談時,線路被切斷了。