
midday n.,adj.正午(的),日中(的)(midday fl...


If you leave before twelve o clock midday , you will only pay for a half day 如果你在中午十二點以前離店,你只需付半天的房租。

It isn ' t midday yet 還沒到中午呢

Frodo : no , it ' s not . it ' s not midday , yet . the days are growing darker 弗羅多:不,不是的。現在還不是正午。日子越變越黑了。

A 10 - knot sea breeze developed west of the airport near midday ,而?度約為10海里小時的海風在中午時分于機場西面發展。

A 10 - knot sea breeze developed west of the airport near midday ,而?度約為10海里/小時的海風在中午時分于機場西面發展。

Then , i will read the words in silence after i have partaken of my midday meal 這樣重復三十天后,就可以打開下一卷了。

Frodo : no . it isn ' t . it isn ' t midday yet . the days are growing darker 弗拉多:不。現在只是正午。但天正變得越來越黑。

At midday in madrid , it ' s better to walk on the shady of the street 在馬德里的中午時分,最好在街道的陰涼一側行走。

The liner berthed at midday 郵輪中午到達停泊地。

Like seven inches from the midday sun 太陽就在頭頂

Midday , you ' d be no more boy 正午,你不應再是個少年。

It ' s very hot in summer ' s midday 夏天的中午非常熱。

We embarked for calais at midday 我們中午乘船去加來

We ' re leaving round about midday 我們要在中午前走

I always grab a midday coffee 我中午總是喝一杯咖啡。

We have finished work at midday 我們已于正午完成任務。

At midday you will grope about like a blind man in the dark 29你必在午間摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一樣。

Like seven inches from the midday sun . . 太陽就在頭頂… …

The sun reaches its zenith at midday 太陽在中午升到天頂。