
midbrain n.中腦(= mesencephalon)。


Furthermore , in order to examine the effects of sulfated polysaccharides from brown seaweeds gs201 on the daergic neurons of midbrain , da release was measured from striatum ( str ) following electrical stimulation of medial forebrain bundle ( mfb ) and from amy following electrical stimulation of vta in the model rats of pd . the results were as follows : l . da release evoked by electric stimulation of vta from amy of male rats was significantly lower compared with female and ovx rats 最后,為探討海洋褐藻多糖gs201對da能神經元的作用,本研究在6 -羥基多巴胺( 6 - ohda )制備的帕金森病( pd )模型大鼠身上檢測了腹腔注射海洋褐藻多糖gs2017天后,電刺激內側前腦束( mfb )誘發的紋狀體( str ) da釋放,電刺激vta誘發的amyda釋放。

In the present study , in order to investigate the effects of endogenous estrogen on the daergic terminals in amy and the daergic neurons in midbrain , fast cyclic voltammetry ( fcv ) was used to examine da release evoked by electrical stimulation from amy of female rats in different phases of estrus cycle , ovx rats and male rats . and tyrosine hydroxylase ( th ) immunohistochemi stry was employed to measure the numbers of daergic neurons of ventral tegmental area ( vta ) and substantia nigra ( snc ) in the rats 因此,為進一步探討大鼠內源性雌激素水平的變化對amyda能神經系統及中腦da能神經元的影響,本工作應用快速周期伏安法( fcv )在體監測了處于動情周期各期雌鼠、 ovx鼠和雄鼠經電刺激誘發的amyda釋放,并應用酪氨酸羥化酶( th )免疫組化方法測定了以上各組大鼠腹側背蓋區( vta ) 、黑質( snc )的th陽性神經元數目。

Corticofugal modulation of frequency tuning of inferior collicular neurons in big brown bat , eptesicus fuse us chinese science bulletin , 2000 in order to explore the possible mechanism of corticofugal modulation of excitatory frequency tuning curves ( eftcs ) of midbrain neurons , we examine the change of sharpness , frequency - intensity response area , minimum threshold of both eftcs and inhibitory frequency tuning curves ( iftcs ) of inferior coliicular neurons during corticofugal modulation using two - tone inhibition paradigm and micro - electrical stimulation technique 第二章大棕幅聽皮層對中腦下丘聽神經元頻率調諧曲線的調制科學通報, 2000用雙聲刺激的方法和電刺激技術,進一步研究了在激活聽皮層前后下丘聽神經元興奮性和抑制性頻率調諧曲線的銳度、頻率強度反應區域、最低閾值的協同變化

In addition , da release from amy of female , male and ovx rats was monitored after intracerebroventricular ( i . c . v ) injection of estrogen - like medicine , effective contraction of wujibaifengwan and soy isoflavones , to detect the influence of the drugs on the daergic systems of midbrain in the rats 此外,本工作還檢測了雌鼠、 ovx鼠和雄鼠側腦室注射天然的類雌激素藥物?烏雞白鳳丸有效成分和大豆異黃酮后,電刺激誘發的amyda釋放,從而為研究類雌激素藥物對大鼠中腦da能神經系統的影響及指導臨床用藥提供實驗基礎和理論依據。

Gonadal steroid hormone , especially estrogen , exerted considerable effects upon the pituitary , hypothalamus , nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopaminergic ( daergic ) systems , of which , amygdala ( amy ) was one of the most important site affected by estrogen and the main projection site for daergic neurons from midbrain 大量研究證明,性腺類固醇激素可在垂體、下丘腦、黑質?紋狀體系統和中腦邊緣系統水平影響多巴胺( da )能神經元的功能。其中,杏仁核( amy )是雌激素的重要作用部位之一。

Glial cell line - derived neurotrophic factor ( gdnf ) was originally isolated based on its potent and specific ability to promote the survival and morphological differentiation of dopaminergic neurons and motoneurons in embryonic midbrain cultures . in addition , gdnf also support the survival and regulate the differentiation of many peripheral neurons , including sympathetic , parasympathetic , sensory and enteric neurons . gdnf also plays a crucial role outside the nervous system , as a morphogenetic factor in kidney development and as a regulator of spermatogonia differentiation Gfr 1與gdnf結合位點的研究膠質細胞源性神經營養因子( gdnf )對多巴胺能神經元、運動神經元、感覺神經元、腸道神經元等多種神經元具有促進存活及保護作用,它還能促進腎臟的發育和精原細胞的成熟,因此,極有希望用于治療神經損傷和神經系統退行性病變。

Results showed that unilateral transection of the middle midbrain above the ventral tegmentum did not block the synchronized bursts on both sides ; however , the synchronized bursts disappeared after unilateral transection through the middle of the medial hypothalamus 結果顯示:在腹側被蓋以上橫向切斷單側中腦中部,不能阻斷雙側催產素神經元的同步化爆發放電;但是單側下丘腦中間內側部橫切則可阻斷這種同步化爆發放電。

Destructions of the area of nucleus of solitary tract , which affects bradycardia and sometimes hypotension ; as well as the midbrain reticular formation , which does not show any cardiovascular responses , yielded much less significant effects 這些研究結果除證實了以前所發表有關旁中線網狀核對許多心臟血管系統的生理現象有抑制作用外,也顯示出此神經細胞核對多種活動及行為的抑制作用。

The pineal gland is a flat , cone - shaped organ about the size of a pea lying in the center of the midbrain . it reaches its largest mass during childhood , but calcifies and shrinks with age 松果體是鑲于我們中腦后方的一個扁錐型小體,大小及形狀近似一顆豌豆,它在我們幼年時體積最大,隨著年增長,便逐漸鈣化萎縮。

Examination of the 100 genes most specific to each brain region showed that expression in some regions , such as the hypothalamus and midbrain , oerlaps significantly with expression in others 人們對100種腦區域特異基因的表達進行檢測發現,下丘腦和中腦中的某些基因同時在腦的其他區域表達。

These results suggest that the area from the middle part of the midbrain to that of the hypothalamus does play a crucial role in the synchronized milk - ejection burst 這些結果表明:中腦中部至下丘腦中部這一腦區在雙側視上核內催產素神經元的同步化爆發放電中發揮著關鍵性作用。

Lesioning and psychopharmacological studies suggest a wide range of behavioral functions for ascending midbrain dopaminergic systems 損傷和精神藥理學的研究提示:中腦多巴胺能系統參與廣泛的行為學功能。

Evaluating value of the ratio of the width of pars compacta of substantia nigra to midbrain diameter in parkinson ' s disease 黑質致密帶寬度和中腦直徑比值對帕金森病的評估價值

The met - enkephalin projections linking the marginal interior colliculus of midbrain and auditory thalamus in nonsongbird 非鳴禽中腦內緣區向丘腦聽區投射的腦啡肽神經通路

It is believed to be jump - started by a loss of neurons in a midbrain region called the substantia nigra 相信這是可以跳開始,由一個虧損的神經元在中腦區稱為黑質。

Rubral tremor is a rare movement disorder that occurs typically with midbrain damage 摘要紅核顫抖癥是一種少見的運動疾患,它的發生通常和中腦的病變有關。

Most of these receptors are found in the midbrain , thalamus , hypothalamus , and spinal cord ( 3 ) 這些受體主要集中于中腦、丘腦、下丘腦和脊髓[ 3 ] 。

Effect of static magnetic field on development toxicity of rat embryonic midbrain neurons cells 穩恒磁場對大鼠胚胎中腦神經細胞發育的影響

The effects of selenium on growth and differentiation of cul - tured neuron from rat embryo midbrain 硒對大鼠胚胎神經細胞增殖和分化的影響