
micturition n.【醫學】排尿。


Hiding essence of life is the main physiology function of kidney , the essence in kidney is angry , be airframe life activity this , to airframe the physiology activity of each respect all is having all in all effect ; kidney advocate water fluid , basically be the aerification function that the essence in pointing to kidney enrages , to the body fluid inside body be defeated cloth and excrete , maintain the balance that the body fluid inside body metabolizes , the adjustment with rising very important action ; kidney advocate bone gives birth to pith , it is spirit of the energy in kidney has stimulative airframe to grow actually a of growth function main component , the rise and fall that the essence in kidney enrages , affect the growth of bone and growth not only , and the plentiful that also affects spinal cord and encephalon and development ; “ tine is bone “ , tine and bone give one cause together , the tooth also is filled by institute of gas of the energy in kidney raise , spirit of the energy in kidney is abundant , fall off the tooth is solid and not easily , if kidney is medium air of essence of life is inadequate , criterion the tooth becomes loose easily , inchoate even fall off ; kidney have one ' s ideas straightened out at 2 shade ( external genital organs and anal ) , accordingly , frequent micturition , enuresis , urinary incontinence , make water little or anuria , all the aerification function with kidney is wrong about 藏精是腎的主要生理功能,腎中精氣,是機體生命活動之本,對機體各方面的生理活動均起著極其重要的作用;腎主水液,主要是指腎中精氣的氣化功能,對于體內津液的輸布和排泄,維持體內津液代謝的平衡,起著極為重要的調節作用;腎主骨生髓,實際上是腎中精氣具有促進機體生長發育功能的一個重要組成部分,腎中精氣的盛衰,不僅影響骨的生長和發育,而且也影響脊髓和腦髓的充盈和發育; “齒為骨之余” ,齒與骨同出一源,牙齒也由腎中精氣所充養,腎中精氣充沛,則牙齒堅固而不易脫落,若腎中精氣不足,則牙齒易于松動,甚至早期脫落;腎開竅于二陰(外生殖器和肛門) ,因此,尿頻、遺尿、尿失禁、尿少或尿閉,均與腎的氣化功能失常有關。

At stephen s suggestion , at bloom s instigation both , first stephen , then bloom , in penumbra urinated , their sides contiguous , their organs of micturition reciprocally rendered invisible by manual circumposition , their gazes , first bloom s , then stephen s , elevated to the projected luminous and semiluminous shadow 經斯蒂芬提議,并在布盧姆的鼓動下,先由斯蒂芬帶頭,布盧姆緊接著,雙雙在幽暗中各撤了一泡尿。他們肩并肩,彼此用手圈著自己的排尿器官,以便擋住對方的視線。

It summarized research progress on recovery of automatic micturition in postoperative uterine cervix cancer patients from aspects of pelvic floor muscular training before and after suprapubic cystotomy , individual bladder training , prevention of urinary tract infection , physiotherapy , hip bath after extubation , and relieving anxiety and tension for patients 從恥骨上膀胱造瘺、手術前后盆底肌肉鍛煉、個體化放尿訓練、預防泌尿道感染、物理療法、個體化排尿及拔管后坐浴、緩解病人的焦慮和緊張等方面對宮頸癌術后恢復自主排尿的研究進展進行綜述。

In case kidney - qi is deficient , there will be the disturbance of its qi transformation and astrictive action , causing the irregular opening and closing of the urinary bladder , manifested as dysuria , incontinence of urine , enuresis and frequency of micturition 如果,腎氣不足,一方面可使腎氣化無常,固攝無權,則膀胱開合失度,即可出現小便不利,失禁,遺尿,尿頻等病癥。

Anus of internal piles emergence has the feeling with straining feeling and endless defecate , can accompany next abdomen bilge painful or lumbar di ministry is blunt painful reach the symptom such as frequent micturition 內痔脫出肛門有下墜感和排便不盡之感,并可伴有下腹部脹痛或腰骶部鈍痛及尿頻等癥狀。

And , as the accretion of tumor , darling occurrence defecate is difficult , even micturition is very difficult also , companion has serious abdominal distension , bleed in defecate of individual little patient 并且,隨著腫瘤的增大,寶寶出現排便困難,甚至排尿也很困難,伴有嚴重的腹脹,個別患兒大便中出血。

Common symptoms include abdominal swelling and discomfort , frequency of micturition , changes in bowel habits , changes in menstrual pattern and postmenopausal bleeding 而常見的病徵包括肚脹及腹部不適小便頻密排泄習慣改變經期規律改變及更年期后出血。

Older age ( > 60 years ) is more highly associated with arrhythmias , orthostatic hypotension , medication side - effects , and situational ( e . g . , micturition ) syncope 老齡病人( 60歲)與心律不齊、直立性低血壓、藥物副作用和環境性(如排尿)暈厥關聯更大。

Same question is , fluid having make water stays all the time inside bladder , although after my micturition , also can have with the part cannot of eduction 同樣的問題是,膀胱內是不是一直留有尿液,即使我排尿后,也會有以部分不能排出的。

The concept and meaning of clearance ; function and regulation of aldosterone ; secretion of h 、 nh3 、 k ; micturition reflex 清除率的概念及測定意義;醛固酮的作用和調節; h 、 nh3 、 k分泌;排尿反射。

Clinical observation of acupuncture treating dysfunction of micturition after cerebral apoplexy with themethod of tong nao li niao 通腦利尿針刺法治療卒中后排尿障礙的臨床觀察

Preoperative diagnosis should be considered when patients complain of inguinal mass reduction after micturition 當病患抱怨解尿后腹股溝腫塊消退,就必須在術前考慮此診斷。

Namely after our micturition , also can have liquid of one part make water , be cannot of eduction 即我們排尿后,也會有一部分尿液,是不能排出的。

Nineteen patients with frequent micturition treated by acupoint drug - injection therapy 穴位注射治療尿頻尿急19例

Have pain in the left loin on micturition 解尿時左腰疼痛

Micturition or cough also can cause ache 排尿或咳嗽也可誘發疼痛。