
microtome n.(顯微)切片機[刀]。


In a second - floor laboratory at the upper tip of manhattan , arango ' s technician leans into an open freezer to use a machine called a microtome to pare a feather - light slice from a frozen brain donated by grieving relatives anxious to help science address the mystery of suicide 位于美國紐約曼哈坦島頂端一棟兩層樓的實驗室里,艾蘭哥的技術員傾身向前,在開放式的冷凍柜中操作一臺切片機,將冷凍的腦組織切成比羽毛還輕的薄片;那些腦組織是死者悲傷的親屬為協助科學界了解自殺之謎而捐贈的。

Serial paraffin sections were cut with paraffin microtome ( leica ) , thickness of which were 5 y m and 2 n m . mounting the sections on slides with protein and glycerol and then put them in 60 baker overnight Im , ph7 2 )磷酸緩沖液100一400 1 , 30分鐘灌注完畢,取出整腦,在上述固定劑koc )內后固定12小時,切取觀察部位腦塊,將切塊收入0

Leica microsystems nussloch is a company operating within many ranges and offers paraffin embedding device , single - deck machines as well as microtomes Leica microsystems nussloch是一家現代化的、可靠的產品供應商,這家供應商從事(顯微)切片機的制造、銷售。請您訪問我們的主頁,垂詢當前的產品系列和服務。

Once frozen and put through the microtome , every block yields roughly 160 slices that are thinner than a human hair 每塊腦組織經冷凍后,可在切片機上切出約160片比人發還要薄的切片來。

The principle of the cooling system of cryo - star hm560 crostat microtome and troubleshooting 冷凍切片機制冷系統的原理與故障分析

Microtome knife back 切片刀夾具

Cryo - cut microtome 冷凍切割切片機

Large sledge microtome 大型滑動切片

Freezing microtome knife 冷凍切片刀

Large freezing microtome 大型冷凍切片機

Large rotary microtome 大型旋轉式切片機

Automatic clinical microtome 臨床自動切片機

Standard rocking microtome 標準搖動式切片機

Cryo - cut cryostat microtome 冷凍切割恒冷切片機

Semiconductor freezing microtome 半導體冷凍切片機

Automatic microtome knife sharpener 切片機刀自動磨刀機