
microsecond n.微秒〔百萬分之一秒〕。


Each gps satellite zips along at about 14 , 000 kilometers per hour , meaning that its onboard atomic clock lags the pace of clocks on the earth by about seven microseconds per day , will calculates 威爾計算了一下,每個gps衛星每小時約飛行1萬4000公里,這表示它上頭的原子鐘比地上的每天要慢上約7微秒。

At the severalty microseconds twinkling of an eye , well up to the dozens ofth kilovolt of at voltage at waves / rice , bear enormous load of whole systems , may damage the equipment in consequence 在幾微秒的瞬間,浪涌電壓高達幾十千伏/米,整個系統將承受巨大的負載,后果可能損壞設備。

Calculations suggest that , like an ice skater drawing in her arms , the contraction made the planet rotate faster , by perhaps three microseconds 如同溜冰選手夾緊手臂會使旋轉加速一樣,這樣的收縮也會使地球加速旋轉,根據計算,自轉一圈所需的時間可能減少了約百萬分之三秒。

We contrived a new optical correlator which can perform 1024 - 1024 2 - dimensionality correlation per microsecond . the usage of time - integrating correlator in lpi radar was studied 本文設計了一個每秒完成1 , 000 , 000次1024 * 1024二維相關的lpi雷達專用順序付氏變換相關器。

If there wasn ' t a collision , the device keeps sending as needed , always pausing at least a microsecond between packets to allow other devices a chance at the wire 如果沒有碰撞,該設備就按需繼續發送,在兩個包之間總是至少暫停1微秒,以便讓其它設備也有機會上網。

The accuracy of the clock is within fractions of a microsecond a day of the international time standard kept by the international bureau of weights and measures in france 該鐘所報時間與位于法國的國際度量衡局所規定的國際時間標準比較,每日相差不超過一微秒。

The baud rate for the interface is 31 . 25 kbaud with 1 start bit , 8 data bits , and 1 stop bit , giving a period of 320 microseconds per serialized byte 接口的波特率為31 . 25k波特,其中包括1個起始位, 8個數據位以及1個停止位,每個串行比特周期為320微妙。

Time , in microseconds , consumed inside microsoft . net framework common language runtime objects by executions of this plan since it was compiled 編譯計劃后,因執行此計劃而在microsoft . net framework公共語言運行時( clr )對象內使用的時間(微秒) 。

Time stamping that is accurate to sub - microsecond performance ; great for chemical kinetics and other applications that require complex time accountability 精確到亞微秒性能的時間沖壓對要求完全時間說明性的化學動力學和其他應用是非常好的。

One electron distorts the lattice as it passes by , and microseconds later the distortion influences the electron ' s partner when it arrives on the scene 一個電子穿過晶格時會將其扭曲,幾微秒后,這個電子的同伴來到扭曲之處,便會受到影響。

Useful electrical pulses of a few hundred kilowatts lasting for several microseconds may be obtained by the depolarization process of pzt95 / 5 ferroelectric ceramics 本文研究的是以pzt95 5鐵電陶瓷為能源的高功率超寬帶脈沖發生器。

But more important , it returns a different time value each time it s called , with apparent granularity of 1000 nanoseconds or 1 microsecond 但是更重要的是,每次調用后,它返回不同的時間值,看起來粒度為1000納秒(或者1毫秒) 。

Aerospace series - elements of electrical and optical connection ; test methods - part 204 : discontinuity of contacts in the microsecond range ; german version en 2591 - 204 : 1996 航空航天.光電連接件.試驗方法.第204部分:微秒級接觸

Aerospace series . elements of electrical and optical connection . test methods . part 204 : discontinuity of contacts in the microsecond range 航空航天系列.電氣及光學連接元件.試驗方法.第204部分:微秒范圍內接觸點的非連續性

Most flashlamp applications use a trigger coil to produce high - voltage pulses of short duration , usually a few microseconds or less 大多數閃光燈使用一個觸發線圈產生瞬間高壓脈沖!其持續時間只有幾微秒或更短

Specifically , dtm divides fiber pipe capacity into frames of 125 microseconds , which are further divided into 64bit slots 具體地講, dtm把光纖的通道容量分成125微秒的幀,而這些幀又進一步分成64位的隙。

Minimum time , in microseconds , that this plan has ever consumed inside . net framework clr objects during a single execution 該計劃在單個執行期間在. net framework clr對象內所使用的最短時間(微秒) 。

Maximum time , in microseconds , that this plan has ever consumed inside the . net framework clr during a single execution 該計劃在單個執行期間在. net framework clr對象內所使用的最長時間(微秒) 。

The clock line must be continuously high for at least 50 microseconds before the device can begin to transmit its data 如果不是,主機禁止通信,設備必須緩沖任何要發送的數據,直到主機釋放時鐘。