
microscopist n.會用顯微鏡的人。


Arguments and evidence cited against a miraculous origin of the shroud images include a letter from a medieval bishop to the avignon pope claiming personal knowledge that the image was cleverly painted to gain money from pilgrims ; radiocarbon tests in 1988 that yielded a medieval timeframe for the cloth ' s fabrication ; and analysis of the image by microscopist walter mccrone , who concluded ordinary pigments were used 爭論和證據卻與裹尸布的神奇起源相反,包括一封中世紀的主教寫給教宗阿維尼翁的信,聲稱肖像是有人運用容貌知識聰明地印上去,為了從朝圣者身上獲得金錢; 1988年,碳的放射性同位元素測試得出這是一塊中世紀時期制造的偽造物;分析肖像的顯射鏡技術人員沃爾特指出,這只是使用了一種平常的顏料。

Are gother equlpment development , designer , manufacture , elaboration act for integration ' s special industry company . company establishes in in the 90s , existence personnel 300 is many , in , high , grade microscopist 40ls many , adopt advanced raw breed technology , equipment and superb material , accumulate abundant manufacture experience and scientific management mode 公司創辦于90年代,現有員工300名,中、高、級技術人員40多名,采用先進的生產技術、設備及高品質材料,積累了豐富的生產經驗和科學的經營管理劃式。

Lian chang paper print limited company found in 1992 year , appear personnel have 500 many people , there is rich microscopist , company occupy area 25000 sq . m . , brand - new import overseas advanced mechanical equipment , a year throughput reach 35 , 000 , 000 yuan above 聯昌紙品印刷有限公司創建于一九九二年,現員工有五百多人,有雄厚的技術人員,公司占地面積25000平方米,全新引進國外先進的機械設備。

Antonie van leeuwenhoek , pioneering microscopist , observed in 1702 that dry sediments of ” animalcules “ , expected to be dead , were brought back to life when exposed to rain water 安東尼?范?列文虎克? ?使用顯微鏡的先驅,在1702年觀測發現,把被認為死亡了的干枯的“微生物”沉積物放在雨水中時它們又復活了。

Company has capital asset 20 , 000 , 000 , occupy 2000 square meter , staff 200 many people , have high , middle class microscopist 30 given name 公司擁有固定資產2000萬,占地2000平方米,職工200多人,擁有高、中級技術人員30名。

Microscopists can identify the source of starch by examination of granule shape and arrangement . 通過顯微鏡觀察按顆粒形狀和排列方式可確定淀粉的來源。