
microscope n.顯微鏡。 a binocular microscop...


Dark field and bright field incident light microscope 入射光暗視場和明視場顯微鏡

Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments 望遠鏡和顯微鏡都是光學儀器。

Which microscope can gives coloured images 哪一種顯微鏡能顯示出有顏色的圖像

Microscopes and telescopes are optical instruments 望遠鏡和顯微鏡是光學儀器。

Report on a case of fixing zeiss operating microscope 535洗片機干燥溫度低故障1例

Light microscopes - information provided to the user 光學顯微鏡.提供給用戶的信息

Light microscopes - specification for spectral filters 光學顯微鏡.光譜濾光器規范

Measurement of hole heart distance by ccd microscope camera 顯微攝像法測量孔心距

The summary of electron microscope installation factors 電子顯微鏡安裝要素綜述

Imaging signals used in scanning electron microscope 掃描電子顯微鏡成像信號分析

The microscope enables small objects to be observed 顯微鏡使微小物體能觀察到。

We also measured the thickness of every book-cover, with the most accurate admeasurement, and applied to each the most jealous scruting of the microscope . 我們還測量了每本書封面的厚度,計算得極為準確,對每一本都用顯微鏡百般挑剔地檢查過。

In early november, the drug firm's director of research collapsed over a microscope and died of a massive cerebral haemorrhage . 11月初,該醫藥公司的研究部主任突然在顯微鏡前倒了下去,由于嚴重腦溢血而死亡。

The scanning electron microscope provides information on chemical composition by use of x-ray spectrometer attachments . 掃描電子顯微鏡能利用x射線譜儀的附件來提供化學組份的信息。

The prejudices of men have stained this symbol, like a germ stained for examination under the microscope . 人們的偏見給這個標本染了色,就象一個細菌染了色放到顯微鏡下觀察一樣。

Grains of pollen suspended in a liquid appear under a microscope to be in a constant state of agitation . 在顯微鏡下,懸浮在液體中的花粉呈現一種經久不息的騷動。

Using ultraviolet rather than visible light in microscope allows for the perception of finer detail . 在顯微術中使用紫外線而不用可見光,就能夠觀察更精細的細節。

the microscope stage is now rotated about its own vertical axis into the 45°position. 現將顯微鏡載物臺繞其自身的豎直軸轉到45位置。

Generally a microscope will come with an assortment of these phase plates having different absorptions . 一架顯微鏡一般都帶了一套這樣的具有不同的吸性的相板。