
microprobe n.微探針〔一種使用細聚焦電子束的儀器〕。


In view of smaller and thinner samples required in grinding slice for microprobe analysis , three steps are used : establishing a thinner grinding plane on the center of homogenized crystalloid melt inclusion sample , grinding the surrounding parts of the sample to the thickness as the center , polishing the grinded sample slice in order to expose the melt inclusion to the sample surface 摘要針對磨制樣品十分細小和較薄等特點,采用如下三個步驟磨制:以加熱過的細小樣品為中心創建一磨制平面;將樣品周圍的巖石薄塊磨至接近細小樣品的相同厚度;在拋光機上拋光,使包裹體完全露出表現。

The topography and the nano - mechanical property of the sample before and after self - assembly was characterized by afm , and the factor attributed to the change was analyzed . based on the above conclusion , the nano - mechanical property of the sample fabricated with the technology based on the scratch of afm microprobe combining traditional self - assembly method was analyzed . it was proved that this method could carry out controllable self - assembly on silicon surface ; finally , the nano - mechanical property of the sample fabricated with the technology based on the cutting of diamond tool was measured , and this method was proved to be a quick and convenient mean that could carry out controllable self - assembly on silicon surface according to the nano - mechanical property of the samples fabricated by the two method before 之后利用原子力顯微鏡對組裝前后的樣品進行了表面形貌和納米機械性能的表征,分析了可能導致其變化的原因;借助所得的結論,對基于原子力顯微鏡微探針的刻劃與傳統自組裝方法相結合的自組裝加工技術所制備的樣品進行了納米機械性能的分析,證明這種方法能夠實現硅基底上的可控自組裝;最后,對基于金剛石刀具切削的自組裝加工技術所制備樣品的納米機械性能進行了檢測,通過和前兩種方法制備的自組裝結構的納米機械性能進行對照,證明這種方法可以方便快捷的實現硅基底上的可控自組裝,從而實現“割草種花”的構想。

In order to understand the origin of lead in air , proton microprobe was used to measure pm10 environmental monitoring samples of wusong district , shanghai city , and lead pollution origin of this district was studied with micro - pixe spectrum “ fingerprint “ combined with pattern recognition technique 摘要為?解空氣中鉛的來源,用質子微探針測量了上海市吳淞地區空氣pm10環境監測樣品,用微束質子激發單顆粒x射線能譜“指紋”結合模式識別技術研究了該地區鉛污染的來源。

The second part offers some perceptual experience of overall application of the dialogue in reading instruction and emphasizes the application of the dialogue theory in three different kinds of reading materials selected from the textbooks and gives some concrete microprobe . in this part the author also gives readers some ideas of the application of the dialogue in schoolbased curriculum , hoping to improve it 這部分著重從應用對話要針對選文的特點這個角度,就選取的三個課例對對話在統編教材課堂教學中的具體應用作了一些微觀的探討;這部分還對對話在語文校本選修課教學中的應用進行了例說性的探討。

Fundamental of laser 40ar / 39ar dating method : our laboratory has successfully set up the laser microprobe 40ar / 39ar geological dating method . our works include adjustment of the high - gain electron multiplier in mass spectrometer and correction of mass discrimination , adjustment of the laser , test for absorption ability of minerals to laser , designing and manufacturing high - vacuum sample chamber , sample preparation and irradiation , research on the variability of j values on the surface of rock chips , measuring atmospheric argon , determination and correction of blanks and ages , etc . the laser microprobe technique is particularly effective for some geological samples . it can be used , for example , for research of distribution of the components in extremely small samples that are very difficult to be separated and purified and those which contain excess argon 本文首先從常規~ ( 40 ) ar ~ ( 39 ) ar階段升溫定年實驗室的改進入手,進而建立了激光~ ( 40 ) ar ~ ( 39 ) ar定年實驗室,利用這兩種先進同位素地質定年方法,結合其他手段,對青藏高原腹地和北緣的阿爾金斷裂系多期地質事件進行了詳細的同位素年代學研究:一、參照國際先進實驗室的流程,對我們的常規~ ( 40 ) ar ~ ( 39 ) ar階段升溫實驗室在樣品的預處理、樣品的照射條件和系統空白測量及校正等方面進行了改進,使之產出的同位素年代數據更可靠并為國際同行所承認。

As to the study on the electronic spectra of the rare earth , the main results are as follows . ( 1 ) based on a reconstructed raman microprobe , a new method of obtaining high - resolution visible region absorption spectra is designed . the method makes it possible to establish a relationship among four kinds of spectra of the rare earth specimen , including visible region absorption spectra , photoluminescence spectra , infrared spectra and raman spectra 在電子光譜的研究上,主要結果如下: ( 1 )設計了一種利用拉曼光譜儀獲取可見光吸收譜的新方法,利用這種方法所獲得的高分辨可見光吸收譜可建立起稀土化合物的拉曼光譜、光致發光譜和紅外光譜之間的重要聯系,它對識別各種復雜的稀土光譜、探討發光和吸收機理有重要的作用。

In most recent studies , researchers have analyzed aluminum - rich minerals such as anorthite and hibonite using an ion microprobe , which bombards a sample with a focused ion beam to release secondary ions from the sample ' s surface 在最新的研究中,科學家使用離子微探針來分析鈣長石、黑鋁鈦鈣石等富含鋁的礦物,以聚焦的離子束撞擊樣本,使樣本表面釋出次級離子。

Based on observation of many polished and thin sections and analyses of electron microprobe , the author suggests that dispersed elements in both the tianbaoshan and the daliangzi deposits occur as isomorphism 大量光、薄片觀察和電子探針分析表明,天寶山、大梁子鉛鋅礦床中分散元素主要以類質同象形式存在。

In recent years , the electron microprobe chemical dating technique has been advance development and achievements , this paper sysmaticly introduces the basic principle , sample prepation , analytical procedure and age calculation 近十年來電子探針化學測年技術發展迅速,并取得了豐富的研究成果。

Archaeological application of the raman microprobe to the non - destructive identification of dinosaur fossil from yunnan wuding 武定恐龍化石的顯微拉曼光譜研究

The technical norm for development of certified reference materied used in quantitative analysis of electron microprobe 電子探針定量分析用標準物質研制規范

The laser microprobe dating drives k - ar geochronology into a new milestone at the end of 20th century 20世紀末激光顯微探針定年把k - ar年代學推向了新的里程碑

Elementary investigation on the application of laser raman microprobe in petroleum exploration 激光拉曼光譜在油氣勘探中的應用研究初探

Mechanical microprobe and its application in study of mechanical properties of thin films 力學探針及其在薄膜力學性能測量上的應用

Scanning ion microprobe 掃描離子微區探針

Scanning electron microprobe 掃描電子探針

Scanning auger microprobe 掃描俄歇電子微探針

Nuclear microprobe at fudan 復旦大學核微探針系統

Emxa electron microprobe x - ray analyzer 電子微探針