
microorganism n.微生物。


Stability analysis of equilibrium for microorganisms in continuous culture 微生物連續培養過程平衡點的穩定分析

Gram - positive microorganisms bacteria 革蘭氏陽性菌

Diving in the ocean exposes the skin to innumerable microorganisms 在海洋中潛水時會把皮膚暴露給無數的細菌。

Microorganisms and plants onboard flight device in near - earth space 近地空間飛行器搭載微生物及植物的研究進展

The summary of reciprocity between phenolic acids and soil microorganism 淺論酚酸與土壤微生物之間的相互作用

The acid - proof alkali , anti - decays , anti - microorganism , bear aging 耐酸堿、抗腐蝕、抗微生物、耐老化。

Pollution and prevention of microorganism on reverse osmosis film 反滲透水處理系統微生物污染特性分析及對策

Cultivation of food microorganism 微細餌料生物之培養

Research on physical simulation experiment of oil displacement by microorganism 微生物驅油物理模擬實驗研究

Research and prospects for genetically engineered agricultural microorganisms 農業微生物基因工程研究與展望

Effect of different leaffall decomposition on soil microorganisms 凋落葉分解對土壤微生物數量和組成的影響

Limiting determination of microorganisms in trimebutine maleate tablets 馬來酸曲美布丁片的微生物限度檢查

Beautiful national essence lebanon gentleman microorganism research association 美國華黎士微生物研究協會

2 microorganisms uptake by soils 2被土壤內的微生物吸取

Microorganism groups in biological p and n removal process 新型雙泥生物反硝化除磷脫氮系統中微生物的組成

Research progress in extrating superoxide dismutase from microorganism 微生物產超氧化物歧化酶的研究進展

Survey of contamination status of food with microorganism in shenzhen city 寧德市食品衛生執法現狀及對策

Factors affecting colonization of introduced microorganisms on plant roots 影響引人微生物根部定殖的因素

The acid - proof alkali anti - decays , anti - microorganism , bear aging 耐酸堿抗腐蝕、抗微生物、耐老化。