
micronutrient n.微量營養素。


Eng . ) we teach soil definition , soil classification , soil architecture and physical properties , soil aeration and temperature , soil colloids , soil acid , alkalinity and salinity , soil organisms , soil organic matter , nitrogen and sulfur economy of soils , soil phosphorus , potassium and micronutrients , practical nutrient management 中)主要講述土壤的基本定義,土壤的化育、生成與分類,土壤的物理、化學與生物特性,土壤的通氣與溫度,土壤膠體特性,土壤的酸性、堿性和鹽性,土壤中的元素,土壤管理等。

There have been some very exciting study results , which indicate that diets rich in some micronutrients might offer some protection but there is still a great deal of additional research to be done in this area before those with , or at risk of developing diabetes , should consider making changes to their diet 現在已經發現了一些令人興奮的研究結果,這些結果表明,富含某些微量營養素的膳食可能會對糖尿病具有一定的保護作用,但是在糖尿病患者或者那些糖尿病高危人群考慮改變他們的膳食之前,這個領域仍需要進行大量的研究工作。

One study reported this year of almost 16 , 000 adults 20 years or older found ( based on the subjects ' own reports of what they ate ) that those who don ' t eat breakfast get fewer micronutrients , including folic acid , vitamin c , calcium , magnesium , iron , potassium and fiber 今年,在對16000名20歲以上成年人進行研究后顯示,那些不吃早餐的人(基于調研對象自己匯報的用餐情況)獲取的微量營養素更少,其中包括葉酸、維生素c 、鈣、鎂、鐵、鉀、纖維等。

This is hardly surprising , given breakfast , especially carbohydrate - based breakfasts boost brain glucose levels , and micronutrients , such as b vitamins commonly added to breakfast cereals are also know to have a positive effect on brain function 毫不奇怪的是,吃早餐,尤其是以碳水化合物為基礎的早餐可以增加大腦的葡萄糖水平,而且微量營養素如通常添加到谷類早餐中的b族維生素對于腦功能也具有有益作用。

New york ( reuters health ) jan 12 - young children with type 1 diabetes tend to hae adequate dietary intake of most micronutrients , according to results of a study published in the january issue of the journal of the american dietetic association 紐約(路透社健康報) 1月12日- -根據美國飲食營養協會雜志1月期刊出版發行的信息, 1型糖尿病兒童飲食中需要最大限度的補充足夠的微量元素。

They include oral rehydration therapy , antibiotics , antimalarial drugs and insecticide - treated bednets , vitamin a and other micronutrients , promotion of breastfeeding , immunization , and skilled care during pregnancy and childbirth 這些干預包括口服補液療法,抗菌素,抗瘧疾藥和經殺蟲劑處理過的蚊帳,維生素a和其它營養素,促進母乳喂養,免疫以及妊娠和分娩期間的熟練照護。

The results of the trial shows that biofortification of rice with iron is possible and effective and creates impetus for both continuing efforts to improve iron content of rice , and to improve micronutrient concentrations of other crops 這試驗結果顯示在稻米里以生化方式加強鐵質是可能且有效的,同時也為繼續努力改良稻米中鐵的含量及改良其它的農作物中的微量營養素創造了動力。

Chapter 15 micronutrients and micronutrient fertilizers . boron , copper , mo , mn and their physiological roles and deficiency symptoms . their forms and their availability in soil . common iron fertilizers and effective usage 第十五章微量元素肥料主要講授微量元素硼、銅、鉬和錳等的生理功能和營養作用,缺素癥狀;土壤中4種微量營養元素的形態、轉化及其有效性;微肥的合理施用。

Our collection of non - comedogenic oils protects delicate skin while imparting beneficial moisture , micronutrients and antioxidants . geoflair s collection of oils for cleansing is fragrance free , dye free , sulfate free , and soap free Geoflair的一系列的油類產品,全部是由純天然有機植物提煉,絕不會引致面皰或黑頭粉刺,同時要會為脆弱的皮膚抗氧及補充水份和養份。

Because no tillage and minimum tillage reduce erosion and concentrate nutrients in the surface soil just below the residue cover , micronutrients generally are less often deficient than under conventional tillage 由于少耕和免耕減少了水土流失,同時把養分富集在植物殘茬覆蓋下的土壤表層,所以,與傳統耕作制相比,少耕和免耕一般不易發生微量元素的缺乏。

Interspecific interactions can affect micronutrients uptake . thus pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of oat , rape and chickpea on mn nutrition of wheat in intercropping system or in oat - wheat rotation 基于以上理論,本研究采用盆栽試驗探討了在不同的種植方式下(間、混作和輪作) ,燕麥、油菜、鷹嘴豆對小麥生長及錳營養的影響。

“ thus , excessive intake of certain individual micronutrients that are used in combination with multivitamins may be the underlying factor that is related to risk and not the multivitamins themselves , “ the researchers wrote 研究人員稱, “因此,過多攝取與復合維生素混合在一起的某種微量營養素可能是增加風險的潛在因素,而非復合維生素本身” 。

Efficient agricultural production demands a balanced nutrient approach between phosphorus , potassium , secondary and micronutrients , and nitrogen which plays the most significant role in the majority of production systems 高效的農業生產要求在多數生產體系中起重要作用的氮素與磷、鉀、其它中微量營養元素之間取得養分平衡。

Deficiency disease a disease caused by deficiency of a particular essential nutrient ( such as a micronutrient or trace element ) , usually with a characteristic set of symptoms 營養缺乏病:由于缺乏一種特殊的必要營養物質(微量營養素或微量元素)而導致的疾病,通常表現出具有特征性的一系列癥狀。

The essential micronutrients to plants and phytotoxicity of toxic heavy metals are not related merely to the total concentrations but depend on their availability in soils 摘要土壤中植物必需的微量營養元素的供給以及有害元素的毒性大小并不僅僅與元素的總量有關,而取決于元素的有效性。

Vitamins are micronutrients , which means that we only need them in small amounts . they are important for maintaining health , especially in cell growth and metabolism 維生素又稱維他命屬微量營養素,意即身體只需很少的份量此物質對細胞的生長及健康十分重要,有助調節體內的新陳代謝。

When the team analyzed the 3 micronutrients separately , iron and calcium were associated with a higher risk of lung cancer but zinc was associated with a lower risk of lung cancer 當研究團隊個別分析3種微量營養素時,鐵及鈣的攝取與罹患肺癌有較高的關聯,但鋅的相關風險則較低。

Because of alkaline calcareous nature of soils , availability of micronutrient is a problem , particularly zn in rice soils , cu and zn in citrus and fe in apples 因堿性石灰性土壤的特性,微量養分有效性不高,特別是水稻土中缺鋅,柑桔園中缺銅缺鋅和蘋果園中缺鐵。

For example , diets rich in fruit and vegetables , which contain immune - system boosting micronutrients , enhance the bodys natural defenses against infectious disease 例如,多吃富含微量營養素的蔬菜水果,可以提升免疫系統的功能,增加身體抵抗力,預防傳染病。