
micronucleus n.【生物學】小核。adj.-clear


In the second part , the influences of la on micronucleus rate were observed by using the rat marrow cell micronucleus test . and the cleavage action of la on genome dna were studied too . the results manifest that a certain concentration of la can increase micronucleus rate obviously and induce the cleavage action and structural change of genome dna (二)采用小鼠骨髓細胞微核檢測技術研究了稀土元素鑭對微核率的影響,同時采用體外培育技術和紫外分光光度法研究了鑭對基因組dna的斷裂作用,結果表明一定濃度的鑭能引起微核率顯著升高,并可導致基因組dna的斷裂以及結構的改變。

Results the mutagenicity of water body displayed a rule of well < river < pool ; the mutagenicity detected in dry season was higher than that in rainy season ; the numbers of micronucleus induced by river and pool water in dry season were found to be positively correlated with the incidence of stomach , esophagus and liver cancer , whereas only pool water showed significant relationship with stomach cancer occurrence in rainy season ; well , river and pool water in taixing city all can cause dna damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes , and water of river cause dna damage heavily 結果:水體致突變性呈塘水河水井水的規律;相同地區水體的致突變性在枯水期比豐水期強;枯水期河水和塘水誘發的微核效應與當地肝癌、胃癌和食管癌發病率有高度的正相關,而豐水期僅塘水微核效應與胃癌發病率有正相關;誘發微核率較高的井水、河水和溝塘水對人淋巴細胞都具有致突變性,其中尤以河水為甚。

Several studies have shown that so2 and its derivatives could induce chromosomal aberrations , sister chromatid exchanges and micronuclei in human blood lymphocyte , bone marrow cell in mice and chl 研究發現, so _ 2及其衍生物可引起人外周血淋巴細胞、小鼠骨髓細胞、中國倉鼠肺成纖維細胞等哺乳動物細胞的染色體畸變、姊妹染色單體交換及微核的形成。

Inductive effects of six herbicides : acetochlor , saturn , nc - 302d ( + ) , frifluralin , sofit and 2 - ethyl - 4chloro sodium hydration , on micronuclei ( mcn ) and other nuclear anomalies ( ona ) in erythrocytes of loach were studied 研究了乙草胺、殺草丹、精禾草克、氟樂靈、掃?特, 2 -甲- 4氯鈉水劑等6種除草劑對泥鰍紅細胞核的誘變效應。

Methods altogether 97 water samples in dry season and 101 samples in rainy season were collected , and the mutagenicity was detected by the vicia faba root - tip micronucleus test and comet assay test 方法:采用蠶豆根尖微核試驗和慧星實驗方法,檢測泰興市枯水期97份和豐水期101份水樣的致突變性。

We have reported that squalene , a natural fish oil , is a potential preventive agent against sodium arsenite - induced sister chromatid exchanges and micronuclei in chinese hamster ovary - k1 cells 以達成熟地步,因此使得探討環境毒物暴露引發的差異性基因表達成為可以進行的研究。我們已開始以

Objective : to analyze relationship among micronucleus and length of service , classes of work and cumulated absorbing dose by analyzing the micronucleus of nuclear workers 摘要目的:通過對放射工作人員外周血淋巴細胞微核檢測3年的結果動態分析,探討微核與工齡、工種、累計吸收劑量之間的關系。

Conclusion : the increasing of micronucleus rate of lymphocyte caused by ionizing radiation is significantly related to the individual cumulated absorb dose 結論:電離輻射對淋巴細胞產生的輻射效應導致的微核率增加與個人累計吸收劑量密切相關。

Study on chromosomal composition of micronuclei induced by tripter ygium hypogla ucum hutch and acrylamide with multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization 多色熒光原位雜交對昆明山海棠和丙烯酰胺誘發微核染色體組成的研究

Analysis on chromosome aberrations and micronucleus rate in peripheral lymphocytes in workers exposed to low power impulse microwave radiation 小功率脈沖微波接觸者外周血淋巴細胞染色體畸變及微核率觀察

Methods : the chromosome aberrations and the rate of micronuclei in peripheral lymphocytes were examined 方法:外周血淋巴細胞染色體畸變分析采用微量全血培養法,微核測定采用甲基纖維素法。

A study of the genetic toxicological action of germinated solanum tuberosum using micronuclei in vicia faba root - tip test technique 用蠶豆根尖細胞微核技術研究發芽馬鈴薯的遺傳毒理作用

Study on monitoring genotoxicant pollution in surface water of yangzhong city using micronucleus test and comet assay 應用蠶豆根尖微核技術和彗星試驗監測揚中地表水遺傳毒物污染的研究

Evaluating genotoxicity of water quality in lanzhou section of the yellow river using micronucleus test and comet assay 利用微核試驗和彗星電泳試驗評價黃河蘭州段水質致遺傳毒性作用

Analysis on chromosome aberration and micronucleus rates of peripheral blood lymphocytes in the workers engaged in flaw detection 工業探傷人員外周血淋巴細胞染色體畸變和微核率分析

Monitoring the genetic toxicity of water quality in yiai lake by micronucleus test technique of vicia fabra root - tips 利用蠶豆根尖微核技術監測遺愛湖水質遺傳毒性的研究

Detection of genotoxicity in petrochemical wastewater using micronucleus test technique of vicia fabra root tip cells 蠶豆根尖細胞微核技術測試石油化工廢水的生物毒性

Application of vicia faba root tip cell micronucleus test in the research on the mutagenicity of songhua river water 蠶豆根尖微核試驗在松花江水致突變性研究中的應用

Impact of cyclophosphamide at different concentrations on the cell micronucleus rate of broad bean root and point 不同濃度的環磷酰胺對蠶豆根尖細胞微核率的影響