
micronesia n.密克羅尼西亞〔西太平洋的島嶼〕。


The board of trustees of the american institute in taiwan announces the appointment of mr . david n . laux as chairman of the board and managing director of the american institute in taiwan . mr . laux was formerly with the national security council where he had responsibility for chinese affairs , as well as australia , new zealand , the pacific island nations , and the trust territory of the pacific islands micronesia 美國在臺協會理事會宣布指派羅大為為該協會董事會主席暨理事長羅大為曾任職于白宮國家安全會議主管中國事務,以及先后負責澳洲、紐西蘭、太平洋島國以及太平洋群島托管地(密克羅尼西亞)等事務。

To accelerate the development of tourism of the pacific island countries , china has decided to formally approve papua new guinea , samoa , and the federated states of micronesia as destinations for chinese tourists (五)為加快發展太平洋島國的旅游業,中方決定正式批準巴布亞新幾內亞、薩摩亞和密克羅尼西亞聯邦為中國公民出境旅游目的地。

I enjoyed your position paper on economic expansion in micronesia 我很敬佩您發表的,針對促進密克羅尼西亞經濟發展的論文