
micron n.(pl. microns, -cra ) 微米〔10...


Http : download . micron . com pdf datasheets dram ddr 256mtm4tm8tm16ddr . pdf . 6 machanick p . the case for sram main memory 以往針對rampage所做的低能耗設計已經顯示出希望。

While we measure our own sizes in inches or centimeters , bacterial size is measured in microns 我們測量我們自身的大小是用英寸或者厘米,而細菌的大小是以微米級測量的。

If the micron of polybag is 38 micron or higher , then no need for warning or air holes 是不是說:要是膠袋的厚度是38微米或者更厚的話,就不用警告性語標或者打孔了!

The active material is a sub - micron thin - glass film with an immobilized fluorescent ruthenium organic complex 活躍材料為亞微細粒的玻璃膜與固定熒光釕有機聯合體。

Drawing the roll out produces long threads a few hundred microns thick that can be as reflective as gold 包出來的光晶線只有數百微米寬,它可以像黃金一樣反射光。

As a result of the micron dimension of sample pool , the liquid in it can be viewed as microfluid 樣品池的尺寸通常是在微米級,其中的流體可以視為微流體。

The machining results show that the developed machine tool can reach the accuracy of micron order 基于此原理開發的活塞異形銷孔設備達到微米級加工精度。

Development of assistant reagent of micron - nanometer composite minerals with chemical active treatment used in rubber 微納米活性復合礦物橡膠助劑的研制

Design of typical device for powder surface modification of micron and nano - sized powder by mechano - mixed method 機械混合法改性微納米粉體的設備設計

Primer painting : zinc rich weld able primer to be applied from both sides 35 to 40 microns 涂裝底漆:在板材兩面涂敷35 - 40微米厚的富鋅可焊接底漆。

Special ultra fine sub micron grade for high speed milling especially for mould making 特別適合高速銑削的晶粒度為超細的牌號,特別適合模具制造。

Conventional mechanical testing has a lower limit of a few hundreds of microns at best 傳統的機械測試方法,最多在幾十到幾百毫米的級別內。

Crosstalk has become one of the most critical concerns in very deep sub - micron era 布線是物理設計中確定信號線位置的操作,對串擾影響重大。

Heat exchanger , condensate traps with automatic drainage , adsorption dryer , 10 - micron filter 熱交換器,冷凝水自動排放,吸附干燥, 10微米過濾器

Just twenty years ago , chip components were measured in microns , or thousands of nanometers 就在20年前,芯片組件還是微米或幾千納米級的。

How is the long dna moleculer located into nucleolus which is about a few microns 這么長的dna分子是怎么有序的裝入微米量級的細胞核中的

It is in white or light gray color and has a particle size ranged from 20 to 500 microns 顏色為白色或淺灰色,粒度在20 - 500微米之間。

The three spots are deliberately offset approximately 20 microns with respect to each other 三個光斑被故意錯開20微米以防相互干擾。

For another , the interstellar grains are miniscule - - only a few microns in size 另一個原因:星際塵埃太微小了? ?只有幾個微米大小。