
micromotor n.【電學】微電機。


In this paper , we established a model of compressed electret micromotor and analysed the electrostatic force between stator and rotor based on the electro statics principle . and meanwhile , we worked out the theoretical calculation formula of output torque of single - stator micro - electrostatic motor series . we designed the double - stator compressed electret micromotor successfully and conducted the calculation formula of output torque of 2pole - 2pole compressed electret micromotor 本文基于靜電學原理,進行了扁平駐極體微電機的建模,對其定轉子間的靜電力進行分析,導出了單定子微型靜電電機系列的輸出轉矩計算公式,完成了雙定子扁平駐極體微電機的設計,給出了2極- 2極扁平駐極體微電機的輸出力矩計算公式。

What ' s more , we realized the fea ( finite element analysis ) of electrostatic - field between stator and rotor of double - stator compressed electret micromotor with the aid of ansys and its apdl language . we got the rotary drive force of rotor in electrostatic - field and compared it with the one in theoretically . they are consistent with each other by the large 此外,運用ansys軟件及其apdl編程語言實現了雙定子扁平駐極體微電機定轉子間靜電場的有限元分析,得到了電機轉子在靜電場中受到的旋轉驅動力,并將其與電機輸出轉矩的理論值進行了比較分析,其結果同理論值基本一致。

In the latest years , people have designed and made many types of magnetic micromotors , but there are still many problems and much work w hich needs to do about the working principal , design theory and experimental research of magnetic micromotors , this dissertation was just aimed at these problems and did following work : first , on the basis of analying and comparing the working principals and structures of available magnetic micromotors , this dissertation proposed a new type of magnetic micromotor , introduced its structure , controlling methods and the features . according to the basic principles of the fixed - point movement of the rigid body , the dissertation revealed the moving relationship between the rotation of the inner magnetic field of the motor and the rolling of the rotor , presented the moving equation of the rotor and the calculation formula for the rotation ratio between the the inner magnetic field and the rotor , and so made clear the relationship between the structure parameters and the moving characteristics of the motor 十年來,人們已經設計制作出了多種形式和結構的電磁微電機,但是有關電磁微電機的設計理論和實驗研究仍然處于探索完善階段,本文正是針對這方面的問題以電磁式微電機為研究對象做了以下工作:首先,在對電磁式微電機的各種工作原理和結構方案進行深入研究和分析比較的基礎上,本文首次推出了“端面搖擺式電磁微電機”的設計思想,介紹了其結構原理、控制原理和該電機的特點,并從剛體定點運動的基本原理出發,揭示了電機內部磁場的旋轉與轉子滾動之間行星減速的運動關系,推導出了轉子的運動方程和電機旋轉磁場與轉子的減速比計算公式,從而明確了電機結構參數與電機運動特性的關系。

A rotary cell culture system was designed , which was composed of micromotor , rotate part , gear part and et al . in this system , tubular scaffold can rotate slowly around own major axis . by means of this , three - dimension tissues or organs can be cultured in vitro 我們還特別設計了旋轉培養裝置,通過微型馬達驅動,減速裝置作用使旋轉部分繞自身中心水平軸做緩慢轉動,從而使置于旋轉部件上的管形支架繞其正中長軸作緩慢旋轉,其原理與美國genzrpe公司的rccs ( rotarycellculturesystemrccs )系統相仿。

Last , the author successfully made a 5mm experimental prototype of the new type of micromotors and carried out a serials of kinematic and dynamic experiments which verified the theoretical system put forward in the dissertation , and so established an important foundation for the application study of the new type of magnetic micromotor 最后,作者研制了5mm的端面搖擺式電磁微電機實驗樣機,并進行了樣機的運動學和動力學實驗,驗證了端面搖擺式電磁微電機理論體系的正摘要確性,為端面搖擺式電磁微電機的應用研究奠定了重要基礎。

In the end , we discussed the probabilities and superiorities of double - stator compressed electret micromotor as electret micro - pump by comparing it with magnetic pump . we also studied the application of compressed electret micromotor as microchip cooling fan 最后,通過將雙定子扁平駐極體微電機與磁力泵進行比較,探討了其作為駐極體微泵的可能性和優勢,并研究了其作為微型芯片冷卻風扇的應用。

Being a sort of new principle micromotor in the fronitier of science , the ultrasonic motor ( usm ) is developed at recently twenty years . utilizing the stator surface particle elliptical motion excited by piezoceeramics , the usm is drived by friction force between the stator and rotor 本文以這一新型電動機為研究對象,對其運行特性和控制策略進行研究,是有較重要的理論和實際意義的。

The operating principle of the compressed electret micromotor is the variable capacitance . the attenuation time constant of the charges on rotor surface is much longer than the shaping time of electret itself while the rotor is made of electret 扁平駐極體微電機的工作原理是電容可變原理,電機轉子采用駐極體材料制成,轉子表面電荷的衰減時間常數要比駐極體本身形成的周期長得多。

We put forward the compressed electret micromotor model by improving the structure of classical electret motor . compared with classical electret motor , compressed electret micromotor has some particular superiorities 通過對經典駐極體電動機進行結構改造,提出了扁平駐極體微電機的模型,它具有經典駐極體微電機無法比擬的優點。

Suite to measure the rotation rate of micromotor , spindel miniature eletricaltool with easy operation and also used in electromechanical unit , textile light industry and gauge unnversity research departments 產品說明:適應于微電機、紡織錠子和小型電動工具的測速,也可廣泛用于機電、紡織、輕工等行業和計量、院校、科研等部門。

Dongguan yuhong micromotor co . , ltd , affliated to yuhong industry co . , ltd . , is a professional manufacturer mainly specialize in all kinds of brushless dc micro - motors and various fans 東莞市宇鴻微電機有限公司隸屬于東莞市宇鴻實業有限公司,專業生產以無刷直流電機為主的各類微特電機,以及散熱風扇的企業。

We believe compressed electret micromotor is better microactuators in the future . it can be applied in various fields such as aviation , spaceflight , military and medicine and so on 扁平駐極體微電機是未來微型執行器的較好選擇,可應用于航空航天、軍事、醫學和其他領域。

The noise of the micromotor is not only considered as one of reflections of environment inside of automobiles but also reflects the design technics and fitting level of the motors 微電機噪聲是作為車內環境污染的噪聲源指標,同時也是電機設計、工藝和裝配水平的綜合反映。

In this paper , the noise of a automobile micromotor is analysed , which shows a way how to improve the quality of the automobile micromotor 以某型號車用微電機為例分析了微電機噪聲產生的根源,為生產過程中如何提高產品合格率提供了方向。

While the compressed electret micromotor adopt top - drive structure , the output torque of it is larger than that of side - drive structure 扁平駐極體微電機采用項驅動型結構設計,此結構電動機的輸出轉矩比側驅動型靜電電動機要大。

This paper will introduce the progressive die of the commutators for micromotor 本文將就微型馬達精密換向片的量產模具介紹說明。

Torque analysis of planar permanent magnet micromotor based on magnetic field 基于磁場觀點的平面永磁微電機轉矩分析