
microminiaturization n.超小型化,微型化生產。


The important trend of spectrometer is microminiaturization 、 integration and intelligence . the development of micro optics electronics mechanics system ( moems ) creates condition for microminiaturization and integration of spectrometer , the development of computer 、 artificial intelligence 、 chemometrics offers opportunity for intelligence of spectrometer 以微機械、微電子和微光學為基礎的微光機電系統為光譜儀的微型化、集成化創造了條件,而計算機、人工智能和化學計量學的發展則為光譜儀的智能化提供了契機。

By taking the miniature ceramic rod which is easily to machine high accuracy as sensitive structure , and by printing and polarizing six belt - shaped electrodes above it to constitute three pairs of electrodes , this paper designed package and the phase - sensitive detection circuit in the system so that it effectively reduced the sensitive structure size and improved its processing precision to realize the angular rate gyro microminiaturization 首先采用易于加工成高精度的微型陶瓷棒作為敏感體,在其上印刷成六個帶狀電極并予以極化構成三副電極對,然后設計了封裝及相敏檢波電路,從而有效地減小了敏感結構的尺寸,提高了其加工精度,實現了角速率陀螺微型化。

The new joint structure can simplify structure , decrease complexity and improve facility . these advantages can make robot - applying fields into microminiaturization and miniaturization . moreover , due to the new structure ' s properties for mechanical design , the new joint has bigger action space 這樣可以用體積小、重量輕的簡單機構取代以往龐大、臃腫的復雜機構,使得機器人的應用領域向小型化微型化空間拓展;而且由于本結構的機械設計上的特點,使得本關節作用空間較大,基本上可以滿足眾多應用場合的需要。

One of trends of scientific and technological development is microminiaturization , from millimeter to micron and even nanometre 21世紀,科學技術的趨向之一是向微小方向發展,由毫米級、微米級繼而涉及納米級。