
micromechanism n.【物理學】微觀機構。


At the same time 7794m3 affusion test were processed , and roadbed settlement observation conducted for two more year , physical mechanism and chemical index experiment were analyzed in the laboratory , section experiment of earth sample was proceed , changement of compacted soil body micromechanism along with depth were analysed by polariscope and scan electricscope . drain ditch , barrel - drain and little bridge were treated by composite geotextile 在室內進行了物理力學、化學指標實驗分析,并對土樣結構進行了切片試驗,用偏光顯微鏡和掃描電鏡分析了土壤碾壓后沿深度分布的土體微觀結構變化情況,對邊坡、邊溝、排水溝、小橋涵及護坡封水采用復合土工布進行處理。

Being a sort of new principle micromotor in the fronitier of science . the ultrosonic motor ( usm ) is developed at recently twenty years . utilizing the stator surface particle elliptical motion excited by piezoceeramics , the usm is drived by friction force between the stator and rotor . compared with the conventional electromagnetic motor , the ultrasonic motor has the following features : high speed , high holding torque when power is off and so on . because of it ' s characteristics , the ultrasonic motor has obtained some widespread application in robots , precise instrument , house electronical appliance , sapceecraft automobile and micromechanism 超聲波電機( ultrasonicmotor )是近二十年來發展起來的一種新原理電機,其原理不同于傳統的電磁型電機,它是利用壓電陶瓷的逆壓電效應使定子的表面質點產生橢圓運動,通過定子和轉子之間的摩擦力驅動轉子運動。這種新型的電機與傳統電磁電機相比,具有響應快、不受電磁干擾、結構緊湊、低速、大扭矩、斷電自鎖等優點,因而在微型機械、機器人、精密儀器、家用電器、航天器、汽車等方面顯示出廣泛的應用前景。

Compared with the conventional electromagnetic motor , the ultrasonic motor has the following features : high speed , high holding torque when power is off and so on . because of it ' s characteristics , the ultrasonic motor has obtained some widespread application in robots , precise instrument , house electronical appliance , sapceecraft automobile and micromechanism 主要有以下幾個部分: 1建立了兩相混和式電動機的穩態數學模型,分析了超前角對相電流及機械特性的影響,并同時進行了仿真研究,給出了一些有意義的結論。

From macroscopical to microcosmic , from qualitative to quantitative , from fracture surface analysis in fracture failure to fractography about mechanism , it stated position and function of fracture surface analysis in fracture failure analysis and introduced the contents , evidence , fundamental skills and methods of fracture surface analysis and emphasized the development of fractography and the research on fracture micromechanism 摘要從宏觀到微觀、從定性到定量、從斷裂失效的斷口分析到機理研究的斷口學,闡述斷口分析在斷裂失效(事故)分析中的地位和作用,介紹斷口分析的內容及其依據、基本技能和方法,著重說明斷口學的發展和微觀斷裂機理的研究。

Because the lattice vibration is weak at very low temperature , the contributions of electrics and other low energy excitations become dominant parts of specific heat . therefore , we can study the micromechanism of many physical phenomena from specific heat measurement 在很低的溫度下,由于晶格振動變得很弱,電子和低能激發貢獻越來越突出,這對我們通過低溫比熱研究很多現象的微觀機制十分有利。

The micromechanism of laser acupuncture and moxibustion are investigated , from photothermal and photopressure interaction . based on the thermal equilibrium and electromagnetic theory , the photo - tissue thermal interaction are discussed 摘要給出激光照射對組織熱和機械作用微觀機制,利用熱平衡理論和電磁理論對激光熱作用進行定量分析和計算,在此基礎上探討激光針灸作用機理。

Once we relate the micromechanism with macroscopical optical and electrical property , the reliability of the results and the persuasion of the analyses are enhanced 將薄膜的微觀作用機制和宏觀的光電性能聯系起來,增強了分析依據的說服力和分析結果的可信度。

Research progress in micromechanism of shape memory effect in niti alloys 砂帶磨削技術及材料的研究現狀和發展前景

Micromechanism interacting between high polymer and light field 高聚物與光場相互作用的微觀機制