
micrograph n.微寫器;【物理學】微動擴大測定器;顯微(鏡)制圖[照...


The results show that the differences between the two composites are very large . although the micrograph of the ni nano - wire and the co nano - wire are nearly the same , as the metal composition increased , the absorption band - edge of the ni / aao composite is small red - shifted ( 13 run ) , however , the absorption band - edge of the co / aao composite is strongly red - shifted ( 80 nm ) . meanwhile , the ni / aao and co / aao composite exhibit the optical features of the semiconductor with indirect and direct band gap respectively 或no組份比的增加, ni / aao吸收邊的紅移量僅約13nln ,而co / aao的吸收邊紅移量卻超過了80lun ,分析發現ni / aao復合體系具有間接帶隙半導體的光學特征,而co從ao復合結構則具有直接帶隙半導體的光學特征; 5 .實驗研究了a創aao納米有序陣列復合結構的光吸收特性,在其光吸收譜上出現了較強的ag表面等離子體振蕩吸收峰,隨ag沉積量的減少,吸收峰位發生紅移,且逐漸展寬

Polyethylene ( pe ) / pe - g - mah / org - mmt nanocomposites were prepared by melt intercalation . xrd , and transmission electron micrograph ( tem ) were used to measure the structure of nanocomposites , the nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of pp / pp - g - mah / org - mmt was studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( dsc ) , and their mechanical properties were tested 采用熔融插層法制備了聚乙烯接枝物蒙脫土納米復合材料,通過xrd 、 tem和dsc研究了pe pe - g - mah org - mmt納米復合材料的結構及結晶動力學,并測試其力學性能。

The nanocomposites have been characterized by four - point probe conductivity measurements , uv - vis , transmission electron micrograph . the results show that polyaniline / tio2 has higher conductivity ( xl0 compared with that “ of eb , the uv - vis spectra properties of polyaniline / ti02 depend on the ratio of tio2 to polyaniline . the uv - vis spectra of nanocomposites doped with hcsa take place red - shift and possess higher conductivity and better solubility compared with those of nanocomposites and pani 并對樟腦磺酸摻雜聚苯胺( csa - pani )的性能,及其在不同的有機溶劑中的紫外-可見吸收光譜進行了詳細的探索,本文還對csa - pani成膜進行了探索,結果表明: csa - pani在間甲酚中具有最好的溶解性,并能保持基本的穩定,是成膜的理想體系。

The technology of computer control and embedded , theory of digital image processing , wavelet , mathematics morphology , and neural network pattern - recognition , are applied on the system . around several key problems , which analytical system of leucocytes micrograph is of information and automatization , have studied on the following aspects : 1 . design automatic classifies system model of blood cell , which is based on imaging of colored ccd camera and computer control 本文的主要研究工作是白細胞顯微圖像分析,綜合應用微機控制技術、嵌入式系統技術、數字圖像處理技術、小波分析、數學形態學和神經網絡理論,圍繞著白細胞顯微圖像分析系統的信息化、自動化程度中的幾個關鍵問題做了以下幾方面的研究: 1

The fabrication parameters were preliminarily optimized . the morphology and composition of the samples of the diamond film for different b / c ratios was investigated by scanning electron micrograph ( sem ) and raman scattering spectroscopy ( raman ) . the content of different levels of b dopant in the diamond film was tested by secondary ion mass spectrometry ( sims ) 闡述了摻硼金剛石膜的制備工藝,研究了摻硼金剛石膜成核和生長的影響因素,初步優化了沉積摻硼金剛石膜工藝參數,同時對摻硼金剛石膜進行了掃描分析、拉曼分析、二次離子質譜分析和電阻率測試。

The dependence of oxygen precipitation and induced - defects in heavily as - doped silicon on heat treatment process was studied by annealing and ig process , chemical etching , scanning electron micrograph ( sem ) and transmission electron microscopy ( tem ) . a developed ig technique was suggested and the mechanism of the influence of as on oxygen precipitation formation in heavily as - doped silicon was discussed 本文通過化學腐蝕、光學顯微鏡、掃描電鏡( sem ) 、透射電境( tem )等分析技術,對重摻砷硅單晶在單步退火工藝和內吸雜退火工藝中氧沉淀及誘生缺陷的形態,形核與熱處理溫度、時間的關系等進行了研究。

High quality znsxse1 - x thin film grown at the optimized temperature had the smoothest surface with lowest rms value of 1 . 2 nm and tem cross - sectional micrograph showing a well defined columnar structure . the dependence of substrate temperature , deposition rate and alloy composition to the structure of the film was discussed in the thesis . the developed theory named “ quasi - structure area mode “ can successfully explain the film growth mechanism of polycrystalline znsxse1 - x thin films deposited on ito substrate by mbe 研究了采用mbe系統沉積zns _ xse _ ( 1 - x )多晶薄膜的生長機理,分析了襯底溫度、沉積速率及薄膜組分對薄膜微結構的影響,提出的“類結構區域模型”可以較完整地解釋ito襯底上zns _ xse _ ( 1 - x )多晶薄膜生長的機理。

Graphite particle surfaces are coated by a layer of oxides equably through micrograph images . in addition , the coating effect of al2o3 - coated particle is the best and much homogeneously ; the effect of tio2 - coated particle is the worst and its self - nucleation was serious , while after al2o3 / zro2 - coated , the coating on graphite surface becomes much denser 通過形貌觀察,表面均包覆上相應的氧化物,其中,以al _ 2o _ 3的包覆情況最好,包覆較均勻;以tio _ 2的包覆情況最差,自身形核最嚴重,經過雙層復合包覆后石墨顆粒表面的包覆層更加致密。

For xrd , ellipsometry examinations , single - side - polished si ( lll ) wafers were used as substrates and for resistance measurement , glass was used and for infrared examination , double - side - polished si ( lll ) wafers were used and for ultraviolet - visible spectrophotometry , double - side - polished quartz wafers were used and for tem micrograph and electron diffraction pattern observation , cu nets deposited by formvar film were used . the cu - mgf2 cermet films were from 50 to 600nm thick 用于xrd分析、橢偏測量的單拋si ( 111 )晶片和電阻測試的載玻片上淀積膜厚約為600nm ;用于ir測試的雙拋si ( 111 )晶片和uv測試的石英玻璃片上淀積膜厚約為250nm ;用于透射電鏡分析的樣品則淀積在400目銅網上的支撐formvar膜上,膜厚約為50 100nm 。

The chemical composition and microstructures of the insulating thin films prepared by different methods were analyzed by x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) and scanning electron micrograph ( sem ) ; other properties such as electric resistance , the breakdown field strength and dielectric properties were evaluated using high resistance meter , voltage resistance meter and precision impedance analyzer respectively 采用x射線衍射儀( xrd )對表面絕緣薄膜的物相組成進行了分析,掃描電子顯微鏡( sem )對表面絕緣薄膜的微觀結構進行了研究,并用絕緣電阻測試儀、耐壓測試儀和精密阻抗分析儀分別對絕緣膜進行絕緣電阻率、擊穿場強和介電性能的測試。

By analyzing the microstructure of as - cast alloys with different surplus of samarium added , the optimum surplus of samarium is decided . by comparing the microstructure of the alloys annealed for different time , the ideal and economical annealing time is confirmed . the microstructure and phase composition of alloys during the whole preparation of sm2fe17nx are analyzed using the scanning electron micrograph with energy - dispersive x - ray analysis and x - ray diffraction patterns 本論文首先就熔煉工藝參數對鑄態組織微結構的影響進行了探討,并制定出一套較為合適的熔煉工藝;通過對不同釤加入量的鑄態組織微觀結構的觀察分析,確定了原料配置過程中釤的最佳補償量;通過對采用不同退火時間的合金組織進行比較,確定了理想、經濟的退火時間;同時還利用掃描電子顯微圖像和x射線衍射圖譜,比較了整個制備過程中,試樣微結構和相組成的變化情況。

Nanocrystalline cerium ( iv ) oxide ( ceo2 ) powders were prepared by means of different methods , sol - gel method , precipitation method and electrochemical method . the powders were analyzed by using x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) and transmission electron micrograph ( tem ) . ceo2 powders in different ways were compared from shape of particles and preparation technics 本文主要采用液相法中的溶膠-凝膠法、均勻沉淀法和電化學法制備了ceo _ 2納米粉體,通過x -衍射、透射電子顯微鏡等手段對所制備的納米粒子進行了表征,并從粒子的形態及制備工藝上進行了比較。

Finally build the foundation to prepare the composites of structure and m - type ferrite with structure and function properties . the constituent phases , microstructure and crystal dimension and crystal coalescence , mechanical properties , magnetic properties of the composites were investigated by means of x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) , scanning electron micrograp h ( sem ) and transmission electron micrograph ( tem ) , mechanical testing instrument , vibrating sample magnetometer ( vsm ) respectively 采用xrd技術鑒定復合材料的物相,利用sem , tem來分析srfe12o19及其復合材料的結構形貌,顆粒大小及結合情況,使用伺服材料實驗機、洛氏硬度計及振動樣品磁強計( vsm )測試了復合陶瓷的抗彎強度、硬度及其磁性能,并探討它們之間關系。

2 structure measurement of multi - wall carbon nanotubes after ball milling . the long cnts has been shorted by commen ball milling and effect of time on cnts has researched . the mechanism of cut has been analyzed . 3 the research of adsorption of mnoa by cnts , the tem micrograph of cnts and mechanism were analyzed 2多壁碳納米管球磨后的結構表征,采用低速球磨機,使碳納米管變短,澎器掀蕊研究了球磨時間對碳納米管的影響,對其斷裂機制作了定性分析。

Xrd , transmission electron micrograph ( tem ) and polarized optical micrograph ( pom ) were used to measure the structure of nanocomposites , the nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of pp / pp - g - mah / org - mmt was studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( dsc ) , and their mechanical properties were tested 采用熔融插層法制備了聚丙烯接枝物蒙脫土納米復合材料,通過xrd 、 tem 、 pom和dsc研究了納米復合材料的結構及結晶動力學,并測試其力學性能。

Whether the 180 inversion appears in the relation between the electron - optical image , i . e . the micrograph , and diffraction pattern seen on the final screen , depends on the number of inversions that the image and diffraction pattern undergo by the lenses following the objective lens in the microscope column 電子光學映像比如顯微圖和最終屏幕所見衍射模型之間180度倒置的出現是否有聯系,取決于顯微鏡柱中目標通過透鏡產生的映像的倒置數量。

In considering diffraction errors there are two factors which will lead to diffracted rays originating from outside the area defined by the selector aperture , these are important in any work where a spatially accurate correlation of the diffraction data and the micrograph is required 考慮到衍射的差錯,有兩個因素決定源自選擇孔指定區域外部的衍射線,在任何工作中這些都是重要的,當衍射數據和顯微圖之間準確的空間對射被要求時。

By the analysis of coating ratio , oxidation ratio , micrograph and particle size of composite particle , it was found out that factors such as ph value , coating temperature , concentration of premonitory matter solution mainly affect the coating layer forming 通過包覆率、氧化失重率、形貌觀察、粒度和比表面積等分析發現,非均勻成核過程中溶液ph值、包覆溫度、覆層前驅物濃度等這幾個因素對石墨表面覆層形成有著重要影響。

Secondly , the sns films were prepared by constant potential electro - deposition in the bath temperature of 30 ~ 50oc , and the influence of bath temperature on the surface micrograph , composition , structure and optical properties of the films was studied 在確定這些基本工藝參數的基礎上,當電解槽的溫度在30 ~ 50oc變化時,用恒電位法制備sns薄膜樣品。研究溫度對薄膜的表面形貌、微區成分、物相結構以及光學性能的影響。