
microgram n.1.微克〔重量單位,符號為 μg〕(= microg...


This report also showed that the pork in american supermarkets contained 11 . 8 micrograms of carcinogenic substance per gram of meat 該報告顯示,美國各大超市販售的美國豬肉中,平均每克豬肉含11 . 8微克的致癌物質。

The gene expressed a subunit of the disease - causing cholera toxin b , about 30 micrograms of which accumulated in each rice seed 該基因顯現出一組致病性b型霍亂毒素的子群,每顆水稻種子里可積聚約30微克這種毒素。

Currently , ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the united states call a level of concern 近來, 10張血液每公合的鉛含量的微觀圖正是美國聯邦健康機構所擔憂的方面

The best way to get enough folic acid is to take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid in it and eat a healthy diet 獲得葉酸的最佳途徑是食用多種維生素的食物(需含400毫克的葉酸) ,健康飲食。

Currently , ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the united states call a level of concern 當前,每100升血液里10微克的鉛含量是美國聯邦衛生局所關切的水平值。

Currently , ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the united states call a level of concern 通常,美國聯邦健康署認為血液中鉛含量超過每分升10微克會引發疾病。

Currently , 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the united states call a level of concern 目前,美國聯邦健康官方稱每分升血液中10微克的含量為‘關注含量’ 。

Currently , ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the united states call a level of concern 現在,美國聯邦健康署稱每1 / 10公升中含有10微克鉛就值得關注了。

Currently , ten micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the united states call a level of concern 現在,美國聯邦健康官方稱每公升血液中10微克的含量為關注含量。

Currently , 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the united states call a level of concern 目前,美國聯邦衛生官把每公合血液中含十毫克鉛稱為關注基準。

Currently , 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood is what federal health officials in the united states call a level of concern 目前,聯邦衛生委員表示血液的鉛濃度為10微克/升是警戒線。

Currently , ten microgram of lead per . . . of blood is what federal healthy offices in the united states called a level of concern 目前, 10毫克每升血液的鉛含量被美國衛生部稱作引起關注的標準。

In the study , every ten - microgram increase in pollution was linked to a 24 % increase in the risk of a cardiovascular event 該研究中,污染每增加10個微克,患心血管疾病的風險就增長24 。

In the study , every ten - microgram increase in pollution was linked to a 24 % increase in the risk of a cardiovascular event 在研究中,污染每10個微觀圖會增加產生心血管百分之二十四。

The recommended dosage of the product is 10 grams per day , which contains 290 micrograms of lead 按其建議服量,服用該批產品的人士每天會服用10克該產品,即每日服食290微克鉛。

The bangladesh government specifies more than 50 micrograms per liter as being dangerous . ( i use this standard in the article 孟加拉政府規定,每公升水含砷超過50微克為危險值。

The level of such particulates is measured in micrograms per cubic meter of air 中國空氣污染的一個主要問題是微粒,包括灰塵、煙灰和其他直徑小于10微米的顆粒(用pm10表示) 。

The above batch of product was found , upon analysis , to contain 29 microgram of lead per gram 上述批號的產品經化驗后,發現每克含有29微克鉛。

The european union stipulates that any reading above 40 micrograms is unsafe 按照歐盟的標準,微粒含量在40毫克以上的空氣都是不安全的。