
microfilm n.(印刷品等的)縮微膠卷;縮微照片。vt.用縮微法攝制...


Talking about the application of the microfilm technique in our country ' s libraries 淺談縮微技術在我國圖書館的應用

Micrographics - microfilming of serials - operating procedures iso 11906 : 1999 縮微攝影技術.期刊的縮微拍攝.操作程序

Recommended practice for microfilming public records on silver - halide film 鹵化銀膠片上縮微公共檔案的推薦實施規程

Microfilm packaging labeling 縮微膠片包裝標簽

Cim computer input microfilm 電腦輸入縮微膠卷

Computer input microfilm cim 電腦輸入縮微膠卷

Com computer output microfilm 電腦輸出縮微膠卷

Computer output microfilm com 電腦輸出縮微膠卷

Test procedures for duplicating 35 - mm diazo microfilm aperture cards 35mm重氮縮微照相檢索穿孔卡復制的試驗程序

Microfilm technics ; diazo - copies , determination of the optimum exposure 縮微拍照技術.重氮復制.最佳曝光的測定

Microrecording of engineering source documents on 35 - mm microfilm 35mm縮微膠片上工程原始資料文件的顯微記錄

Design and realization of the bank filing microfilm management system 銀行業務檔案縮微管理系統的設計與實現

Urban microfilmed land document 市區微型縮影土地文件

Micrographics . microfilming of technical drawings of elongated size 縮微照相.放大規格的技術圖紙的縮微照相

If you use the atlases on microfilm , copies are easily made 如果利用微縮膠片地圖集,那么很容易制作拷貝。

Microfilm 16 mm ; document marks 16mm縮微膠卷.文件標記

Microfilming of newspapers on 35 mm microfilm for archival purposes 存檔用的毫米縮微膠卷的報紙縮微照相

Electronic imaging process of paper documents and microfilmed documents 紙型文件及縮微文件的電子成像過程

Micrographics - microfilming for ancient books on 35 mm roll film 縮微攝影技術在35mm卷片上拍攝古籍的規定