
microfiche n.縮微膠片。


Given the importance of the year 2000 issue , banks in hong kong are taking extra precautions to ensure the integrity of their records by , for example , backing up all essential customer data in a form e . g . hard copy , cd rom or microfiche independent of their computer systems 鑒于電腦二千年問題的重要,本港銀行更已采取額外的防范措施,其中包括利用獨立于銀行電腦系統以外的形式如印文本唯讀光碟或縮微膠片為所有主要客戶數據制作備份檔案,確保可以妥善保存銀行記錄。

With both stand - alone digital reader printer and pc - peripheral microfilm scanners , ms6000 takes advantage of your microfilm and microfiche in ways never before possible . it is suitable for reference collections and business applications , education , government and libraries . the microfilm scanner ms6000 can scan to pc for electronic filing and access throughout the organization Ms6000是一部可接駁電腦的微型縮影掃描器,接駁上獨立數碼閱讀打印機,便能使縮微膠卷及縮微平片展示出最佳效果,適合收集參考、商業用途、教育、政府及圖書館選用。

Operating costs are decreased by eliminating time - consuming manual search through paper , file or microfiche . it minimizes document printing and duplication , and reducing the amount of physical storage required . further , training requirements are minimal , speeding up implementation and reducing cost 避免浪費時間及人力資源于搜尋文件、檔案及微型軟片上,減少打印及重復存檔的情況,以及減低文件實際的儲存空間,運作成本得以大大降低。

Methods on storage of immigration - related documents in the past years are demonstrated . by operating the microfiche reader , a visitor may have the live experience of reading aged documents as if being an immigration officer 參觀者可了解入境處以往儲存文件的方法,并透過微型縮照閱讀器,體驗入境處職員如何翻閱陳舊的檔案資料。

A comprehensive computerised database was made available to members of the public through in - house search services in march . the new service removed the need for customers to look for the required data through microfiches 該處在三月推出一項新的電腦化資料庫查冊服務,讓市民毋須再用縮微膠片查閱所需資料。

Furthermore , the computer section suppressed the production of 60 , 000 sheets of microfiche under the business registration system and property tax system . the microfiche was substituted by electronic files 此外,電腦組亦停止為商業登記系統和物業稅系統制造60 , 000張微縮膠片,改以電子檔案儲存。

Specification for authorized signature lists and their representation on microfiche in bank operations 銀行業務縮微平片用授權簽字名單及其代表規范

Aerospace series ; computer output microfilm ; a6 microfiche ; german version en 2499 : 1987 航空航天系列.計算機輸出縮微膠片. a6縮微膠片

Recommendations for presentation of headers for microfiche of monographs and serials 專著和系列出版物縮微平片標題表述推薦規范

A6 en 2547 aerospace series . filming of documents . microfilm 105 mm microfiche a6 航空航天系列.文件拍攝. 105mm縮微膠片

Micrographics - transparent a6 microfiche - image arrangements iso 9923 : 1994 顯微攝影.透明的a6縮微膠片.圖像安排

1 micrographics - transparent a6 microfiche - image arrangements erratum 1 縮微照相.透明a6型縮微平片.圖像排列

Microfiche , laser - beam retrieval 雷射束射檢索微影卡

Microfilm of press cuttings on 16 mm and a6 size microfiche 在毫米和規格的縮微膠片上進行報刊分幅縮微照相

Information on microfiche headers 縮微平片片頭上的信息

Aerospace series . computer output microfiche . a6 microfiche 航空航天系列.計算機輸出縮微膠片.縮微膠片a6

Micrographics - transparent a6 microfiche - image arrangements 縮微攝影技術a6透明縮微平片影像的排列

Micrographics . a6 - size microfiche , source document and com 縮微照相.源文獻和com a6幅面縮微平片

Micrographics - transparent a6 microfiche - image arrangements 縮微制圖.透明a6縮微平片.圖像排列