
microelement n.1.【化學】微量元素。2.微型元件。


Through the study of characteristic of macroelement , microelement , rare - earth element , oxyhydrogen isotope , sulfur isotope , lead isotope , fluid inclusion etc , a conclusion can be drawn that metallogenic substance comes from the upper mantle with mixing of some substance from the upper crust latter . it is likely to have the same source with the surrounding rock 通過對礦床的常量元素、微量元素、稀土元素、流體包裹體特征、氫氧同位素、硫同位素、鉛同位素等特征的研究,認為成礦物質主要來源于上地幔,與周圍巖石存在著同源的可能性,后期有一定的上地殼物質混入,成礦作用有三期,分別與區內的花崗巖、二長花崗巖脈、云煌巖脈有關。

Microelement amino acid chelate is a newly additive , which was studied extensively , and the nutritional function of microelement amino acid was confirmed by many studies . but the study of copper amino acid chelate was seldom . in this study , mice were used as animal model , cu - lys and cu - met were studied as representative of copper amino acid chelate 微量元素氨基酸螯合物是現今研究最廣泛的新型微量元素添加劑,其優秀的營養作用已為眾多的添加效果試驗所證實,但有關氨基酸螯合銅的研究報道較少,本課題以小鼠為動物模型,以賴氨酸整合銅和蛋氨酸螯合銅為代表進行了以下3部分試驗,研究飼糧銅源和銅水平對小鼠銅營養狀況及免疫功能的影響。

Based on the theory of thermodynamic of refrigeration system , i . e . , the viewpoint of dynamic , distributed parameters and parameters quantitatively coupled , and with the application of microelement method , this thesis is contains a theoretical and experimental research on the structural characteristics and performance of small - scale cold storage . main contents of this thesis are as what follows : first , the key component sub - models for a small - scale cold storage are developed 本文運用“制冷系統熱動力學”理論,以“動態” 、 “分布參數”和“參數間定量耦合”的觀點,用“微元”的方法,對型號d045 ? 35 110gfd蒸發器、型號lcu - 32fj冷凝機組和型號tex2 - 2 . 3熱力膨脹閥等主要部件組成的小型冷庫的結構特點和運行性能進行了理論和實驗研究。

Phytases catalyze the hydrolysis of phytic acid or phytate ( myo - inositol hexakisphosphate ) to inositol and inorganic phosphate . their roles in eliminating anti - nutritional effects of phytate in plant fodder or foods , in increasing the efficiencies of protein and various microelement utilizations in the animal body and the animal productivities , in reducing the amount of phosphorus in animal excretions and thus reducing environmental pollutions , etc , have been the research focuses domestically and internationally 植酸酶是一類能催化植酸及植酸鹽水解成肌醇和無機磷酸鹽的酶,它具有解除植物性飼料(或食品)中植酸的抗營養作用、提高機體對蛋白質及多種微量元素的利用率、促進生長發育、提高動物生產性能、減少糞便中磷的排放量、降低磷對環境的污染等多種功能,因而受到國內外的廣泛關注。

Apart from producing the original feed grade single microelement such as cu , fe , zn , mn , mg , i , se , co and etc . our company now put out the newest feed additives products which are garlic oil , garlicin , flavouring , sweet taste , antioxygen , skin - red baby and etc 本公司除生產原有的飼料級單項微量元素銅、鐵、鋅、錳、鎂、碘、硒、鈷外,最近又推出大蒜油、大蒜素、香味劑、甜味劑、抗氧劑、膚紅寶等飼料添加劑新產品。

In the measurement of dimention , shap , and deformation for 3 - d object , the measurement , and surface testing of complex precision components for microelement , and industrial inspection as well as remote sensing measurement etc . , it finds wide use 它廣泛應用于三維物體的幾何尺寸、形狀、變形等的測量,精密復雜零件的微尺寸測量和外觀檢測,工業監測及航空遙感測量等技術領域中。

It contains rich vegetable essence , auxin , unsaturated fatty acid , various kinds of amide acids , microelement and vitamins , which could balance nutrition and metabolism , dissolve the deposits on blood vessel wall and regulate endocrine 含有豐富的植物精華素、生長素、不飽和脂肪酸、多種氨基酸、豐富的微量元素、維生素,能均衡營養,平衡代謝,溶解血管壁沉淀物,調節內分泌。

The bath salt that draw clean water from the deep sea inside , and adding in the fragrant plant ethereal oil mineral and herb composition etc . richly contains the iron calcium , selenium , magnesium and various microelement with body need 取自深海中的凈水提煉而成,并添加了芳香植物精油礦物質、中草藥等成分、富含人體所需的鐵、鈣、硒、鎂等多種微量元素。

In addition , with a mountainous area and inland , long - term anoxic , lack a few microelement ( if be short of iodic ) , affect adolescent to grow thereby growth level , also have particular concern 此外,與內地、山區長期缺氧、缺乏一些微量元素(如缺碘) ,從而影響青少年生長發育水平,也有一定關系。

In this paper , the roles of iron in different pathways of protein nitration are introduced , and the results indicated that microelement iron in vivo plays an important role in protein nitration 本文介紹了鐵在不同酪氨酸硝化途徑中的作用,結果提示體內的微量鐵對蛋白質硝化起著重要作用。

The flooding of yellow river led to the change of soil microelement , which in turn played an invisible role in the disintegration of the civilization of huanghuaihai plain 摘要由于黃河泛濫造成的土壤的微量元素的變化是黃淮海平原文明衰變過程中一只看不見的手。

Contain protein , adipose , iron , calcic , the microelement such as copper , still have chlorophyll , vitamin b , the composition such as sulfureous element 含有蛋白質,脂肪,鐵,鈣,銅等微量元素,還有葉綠素,維生素b ,硫磺素等成分。

Effects of long - term fertilization on the levels of organic matter and microelement in organo - mineral complex status in soils 長期定位施肥對土壤有機無機復合體中有機質和微量元素含量的影響

Mental work needs to use up a large number of protein , vitamin , a lot of microelement , same meeting feels hungry 腦力勞動需要消耗大量蛋白質,維生素,許多微量元素,同樣會感到饑餓。

Foliar microelement fertilizer 微量元素葉面肥料

Influence on component of microelement selenum in rape seedling 微量元素硒對油菜苗期主要化學成分的影響

Microelement method in calculating the volume and side area of a solid 立體體積和側面積計算中的微元法

Test on microelement of tea by microwave digesting and icp - aes 法同時測定茶葉中微量元素

Usage : shea butter and microelement etc 主要成份:乳木果、微量元素、維他命。