
microelectronics n.〔作單數用〕微電子學,超小型電子工學。adj.-tr...


Microelectronics rests on techniques that routinely fabricate structures almost as small as 100 nanometers across ( that is , 100 billionths of a meter ) 微電子學依賴的,是能夠反覆制造出結構小至100奈米(一公尺的千萬分之一)的技術。

In microelectronics , the process of connecting wires from the leads on the package to the bonding pads on the chip . part of the assembly process 在微電子中,使用電線將數據包的引線與芯片上的結合區相連接的過程。裝配過程的一部分。

This article elaborated the new process of mixed - bed inner resin regeneration in the modern large - scale microelectronics industry highly pure water 摘要本文詳細介紹了在現代大型微電子工業用高純水系統中,混床內樹脂再生的新工藝。

Papanastassiou said it might also be possible to use microelectronics to replace parts of the brains natural electrical circuitry if it is damaged Papanastassiou說,如果人腦的自然電路有損壞的部分,用微電子來替代也是很可能的。

Teda has set up three sub - zones , which are , the microelectronics industry park , the yat - sen scientific industry park and the chemical industry park 天津開發區建立了三個小區,分別是微電子工業區、逸仙科學工業園和化學工業區。

Today , five years later , fudan microelectronics has been extended from 10 founders to 250 employees with customers all over the world 八年后的今日,復旦微電子已從10多位創業者發展為擁有250位員工的公司,用戶遍及全球各地。

The focuses of high and new technology and industry competition are turning to the photoelectron information industry from microelectronics industry 世界各國高新技術及其產業競爭的焦點正從微電子產業轉向光電子信息產業。

These innovative materials promise new application in many fields , such as microelectronics , biosensors , photonics , battery cathodes , etc 這些性質或許可應用在一些新領域中,例如微電子、生物感測器、光子、電池電極上等等。

In the large family of microelectronics , the advancement of one of its members can be seen by all of us , that is flash memory 在微電子這一大家庭中,有一個成員的成長是有目共睹的,那就是快閃式存儲器( flashmemory ) 。

Risecomm microelectronics ( shenzhen ) co . , ltd is a fabless ic design company backed by a well - known venture capital investment firm 瑞斯康微電子(深圳)有限公司是一家由著名國際風險投資公司投資成立的全外資高科技企業。

Bringing in technological leading talents vigorously is the most effective means to promote china ' s microelectronics competence nowadays 摘要大力引進科技領軍人才是我國微電子業目前階段快速提高競爭力的最有效手段。

Abstract : si - based photodetectors are the most promising devices for photoelectronics which can be integrated with microelectronics 文摘:硅基長波長光電探測器是最有希望與微電子集成的一種用于光通信的光電器件。

Metal contamination in a silicon wafer is unavoidable during the many steps required for the fabrication of microelectronics devices 在集成電路和半導體器件的生產過程中,許多工序都可能使硅片受到金屬的污染。

The well - known hong kong magazine “ asia financial ” listed fudan microelectronics as one of the ten best companies in mainland china in 2001 2001年公司被香港著名《亞洲金融》雜志評選為大陸十佳企業之一。

In microelectronics , the process of removing material , on a chip , left exposed by the exposure and development of the photoresist 在微電子技術中,通過曝光并顯影光刻膠除去芯片上的物質露出剩馀部分的工藝。

With the development of microelectronics the sram trends can be summarized as fast speed , large capacity and low power 隨著微電子技術水平的不斷提高, sram呈現出更高集成度、更快速及更低功耗的發展趨勢。

Though it seems a little idealist , microelectronics and embedded application ’ s progress makes it come true 雖然這些聽起來有點理想化,但是,微電子技術和嵌入式系統技術的發展,使得這一切都可以成為現實。

We have particular expertise in the high technology fields of automated pcb assembly , test and advanced microelectronics packaging 我們為這個行業提供了許多有創新的解決方案,也因此贏得了良好的聲譽。

In the microelectronics industry , demand for lowing line dimensions has led to extensive efforts to explore porous materials 為適應窄線寬制程要求,多孔低介電材料是近年來介電功能領域的研究熱點。