
microdot n.【攝影】微點拷貝,微點照片〔進行間諜活動等拍攝文件等...


On the base of analyzing the essential feature of personal financial business , product life cycle and competitors “ circumstance , combing the practice of xianyang commercial bank , this paper introduces the customer division strategy , microdot and product integration strategy , flexible pricing strategy , trademark strategy and regulation marketing strategy . it emphasizes developing the superiority of total marketing and maximizing the marketing effects 本文在充分分析個人金融服務本質特征、產品生命周期和競爭者狀況的基礎上,結合咸陽商行實際,提出了實施客戶細分策略、網點和產品整合策略、靈活的定價策略、品牌策略和監管營銷策略,著重強調注重發揮整體營銷的優勢,實現營銷效果的最大化。

In light of the present operating conditions of personal financial business in xianyang commercial bank , this paper studies the choice of its marketing strategy using modern marketing theory . with the method combining theory study and empirical study , it analyzes its present marketing condition and existing problems . it employs marketing strategy seven - factor analyses to conduct exact market orientation and introduce replying strategy , then by the combination of marketing strategy to realize a series of targets , which includes the optimization of customer structure , the strengthening of customer relation management ; the stressing of core product ; the expansion of microdot function and the improvement of arrangement structure ; the promotion of service quality and the gain of competition superiority ; the extension of service to develop the system of personal customer manager ; the establishment of famous trademark and the control of customer resources , and finally to achieve the strategic target of enhancing competition power , promoting service quality and improving productivity 本文針對咸陽商行個人金融業務經營現狀,應用現代營銷理論著重研究其營銷策略的選擇,采用理論研究與實證研究相結合的方法,深刻剖析目前的營銷現狀和存在的問題,運用營銷策略七要素分析,進行準確的市場定位,提出了應對策略,繼而通過營銷策略的組合達到優化客戶結構,加強客戶關系管理;突出核心產品;拓展網點功能,改善布局結構;提升服務質量,取得競爭優勢;延伸服務觸角,完善發展個人客戶經理制度;創建知名品牌,控制客戶資源之目的,并最終完成提高競爭力、提高服務質量、提高生產率的戰略目標。

With so many identifying microdots applied to the vehicle , it would be nearly impossible to remove all of them , making it easier to recognise and identify stolen vehicles , whether they are intact or have been disassembled for parts 因為有許多的辨識微粒應用在車輛上,幾乎不可能去除所有的微粒子,無論車輛是否完整無缺或是零件已被拆除,都能使它更加容易認定和辨認失竊的車輛。

These numbers , in the form of microdots , are placed on overt and covert parts of the vehicle to make it more difficult to alter the vehicle ' s identity , and to make it easier to recognise and identify stolen vehicles and parts 這些號碼,以微粒的形式被安裝在車輛外顯的和隱藏的零件上,使車輛的身分更難以變造,且更加容易辨認遭竊的汽車和零件。

Used vehicles imported from overseas will have microdot numbers placed over various parts of the vehicle to make it more difficult for the vehicles to be changed or modified to conceal their identity 從海外進口的車輛將采用微粒識別碼,遍布施工于車身各個零件上,使汽車更難以變造或偽造隱藏車輛的身份。

The numbers , in the form of thousands of microdots , will be placed over various parts of the vehicle to make it more difficult to change the vehicle ' s identity 識別碼是以數千粒微粒的形式,安裝在車輛的各種零件上,使車輛的身份更難變造。

Based on information provided by the suppliers of microdots and land transport new zealand it is estimated that wovm will cost $ 88 dollars per vehicle 根據由微粒的供應商及紐西蘭陸地運輸局提供的訊息,估計每輛車安裝wovm的費用為$ 88美元。

No parts of the vehicle of visual significance , such as the paintwork , need to have microdots for the successful operation of this system 汽車零件上的微粒無法用肉眼看出,微粒使系統成功發揮效用。

This figure of $ 88 dollars includes the cost of the microdots , application costs , and administration and compliance costs 此$ 88美元的價格包括微粒的成本、安裝費用、管理和服務的費用。

Microdot technology and signs warning it is in use have scared off raiders from council gardens 微粒科技和標志在于警告嚇跑盜樹者,議會花園的植物有使用此項技術。

Unique microdots are applied to a vehicle ' s key panels , engine , gearbox and other parts 獨特的微粒是被應用于一塊汽車主要的嵌板、引擎、齒輪箱及其他零件。

Each microdot is the size of a grain of sand and contains an identifier 每顆微粒都是一粒沙粒的大小并且包含一個辨識碼。

Irina encoded it with a microdot 伊蓮娜用微粒進行了編碼

It ' s got a microdot . where ' d you get this 有小微粒,你是從哪里來的

Microdots are generally concealed under stamps, on top of punctuation marks in typewritten letters, or under the lips of envelopes . 縮微點一般隱藏在郵票下面、打印信件的標點符號上邊或者信封的折口內。

Microdots are another method of surreptitious communication between an agent in the field and his controller . 縮微照片是派出去的特務同控制他的人之間進行秘密通信的又一種方法。