
microcosm n.1.微觀世界[宇宙](opp. macrocosm)...


Perhaps the above exchange was a microcosm of billups ' current basketball existence . even when things are going bad , they are still very good in the grand scheme of things 也許,上面的對話,就是比盧普斯現在的籃球世界(屬于他自己的籃球世界,他對籃球的理解和態度)的縮影。即使情況變得很惡劣,活塞隊(在他的帶領下)還是可以保持陣腳不亂。

With assured , restrained direction that invites comparison to his former countryman tsai ming - liang , his tranquil depiction of three ethnic chinese slowly unfold as a microcosm of a society disconnected from itself 概括道來,本片深入一個華裔家庭糾結的關系,父親一個生死的抉擇,令家在分崩離析,爺爺和一雙兒女各自面對更窘迫的生存關口。

Accompanied by the soft jazz of a czech band , the 800 guests conversed in their diversity of languages , making the party a microcosm of the new union itself . “ after working hard for 15 years this is the day of seeing the plum , “ 在捷克爵士樂隊的音樂聲中, 800名客人操著不同語言互相交流,整個聚會成了擴大后的歐盟的縮影。

It will no longer be mysterious for us to feel this microcosm about human brain , it will lead us to produce the intelligent machine or immaterial carrier accorded with working mechanism of human brain 它將使人們對人腦這個微觀宇宙,不在感到神秘莫測,它將引導我們制造出與人腦工作機理相一致的智能機器或精神載體。

And we , also are microcosms , holograms of the earth both as individuals and as the community of practitioners of the quan yin method . we can change events on earth by purifying ourselves 我們是小宇宙,是地球的縮影,我們是一個個體,也是觀音大家族的一分子,如果我們凈化自己,我們可以改變地球所可能發生的事件。

The budgeting is not only conducive to improving the efficiency and effect of management in microcosm but also an important method to better the resources deposition under the circumstances of market 從微觀上看,它有助于企業管理效率及效益的提高;從宏觀上看,它更是有助于利用市場背景優化社會資源配置。

The financial services industry seems like a remarkable microcosm of this diversity of interests , and xml seems to face direct competition from all the antecedent technologies 在各種不同的關注之中,金融服務行業似乎是特別值得注意的一個小領域, xml似乎面臨著原有技術的直接競爭。

The center has become a microcosm , our own “ small heaven , “ where our spiritual , intellectual and physical lives are brought together and shown in the most constructive light 小中心就如同一個小宇宙般,是我們的小天堂,在此我們的身心靈各方面皆展現出最富建設性的光輝。

International crisis , commonly regarded as “ international politics in microcosm “ , derives from hostile interactions between two ( or more ) conflicting parties 作為“微觀的國際政治” ,國際危機是兩個(或兩個以上)國際行為體之間的沖突性相互作用的結果。

All of this reminded me of a phrase , “ the microcosm is the macrocosm , “ which means that the self small universe , micro - cosmos is one with the creation large universe , macro - cosmos 這一切使我想起一句話小世界即大宇宙,這句話的意思就是小我和大我同一體。

The npm is a microcosm of 5000 years of chinese culture . chinese culture is often described as vast and profound , but what does this really mean 國立故宮博物院是五千年中華文化的縮影,提到中華文化,經常用成語博大精深來加以形容,然而何謂博大精深?

Tast has expanded the concept of uncertainty and uncertainty effect is not the patent of microcosm . it resides in superposition , depending on the method of measurement 它是自然界的普遍現象,只不過對宏觀物體與微觀粒子的測量方法上是有區別的。

In actuality , anyone who enters this virtual microcosm must become an “ rmb gamer “ ; the distinction lies only in how much you are willing to spend 實際上,只要進了這個虛擬的小世界,所有人都必須是“人民幣玩家” ,區別只在于你愿意花多少而已。

Secondly , the paper builds the model of the customer lifetime value management in microcosm , to calculate customer ' s value in a life cycle of customer 然后,在微觀上建立了客戶終生價值管理模型,從一個客戶關系生命周期來考慮客戶的價值。

Their 102 - 100 loss to the new jersey nets was a microcosm of what their season has been so far - - and what it is likely to continue to be 以102 100輸給新澤西網隊只是到目前為止這個賽季的一個縮影,而且看起來還會繼續。

Dearest ones , you will feel these changes in your physical body , for your body is a microcosm of the earth itself 至愛的,你將感受到你身體的變化,你的身體是地球本身的微宇宙。

A giant city in the south - west is a microcosm of china ' s struggle to move millions from rural to urban areas 中國正在試圖城市化,讓數億農民變成市民,而重慶正是這一切的縮影。

The bund18 project is something of a microcosm of the struggles developers have faced on the strip “外灘18號樓”項目仿佛是開發商們在外灘艱難開拓的縮影。

You can see a microcosm of its ecology at the national museum of marine biology and aquarium 同在車城鄉的熱門旅游點,是全國最大的國立海洋生物博物館。