
microcopy n.(用縮微膠卷攝制成的)縮微(復制)本,縮微副本。


In order to enrich the content of the anatomy and histology about andrias davidianus , obtain new data about systematic position and blood circulation physiology and also provide reference for comparative anatomy and vertebrate evolution reseach , we studied the anatomy and histology about andrias davidianus by means of normal inject method , normal paraffin section method , microcopy system and digital camera 本研究主要采用常規血管注射法,常規石蠟切片法,以及光學顯微照相系統和熒光顯微數碼照相系統對中國大鯢( andriasdavidianus )的循環系統進行了比較詳細的解剖學觀察研究,并對其心臟及血管進行了組織學研究。目的在于豐富中國大鯢解剖學和組織學的資料,為中國大鯢分類地位的探討和血液循環生理研究提供解剖學依據,同時也為比較解剖學和脊椎動物的進化提供解剖學依據。

Compared with optical microcopy with electro - microcopy , spm is developed during the last two decades in the 20th century and now becomes a hot topic in the research field simple operation , low cost and easy adoption are the main advantages of spm 相對于光學顯微鏡、電子顯微鏡,表面等離子波是20世紀80年代發展起來的一項頗具前景的技術,用它來顯示金屬表面的微小物體,具有操作簡單化,制作成本低,易于普及等特點。

Input : document input means creating electronic documents by using the general desktop processing system , as well as scanning paper documents and microcopy films 輸入:輸入文件即可通過使用通用的桌面制作系統來創建電子文件,也可通過在掃描儀上獲取紙面文件微縮膠卷文件。

Histology : the study of the structure of tissues by means of special staining techniques combined with light and electron microcopy 組織學:以特殊的染色技術以及光學顯微鏡和電子顯微鏡檢查、研究組織結構的學科。

Scanning electron microcopy images show that metal nickel or cobalt are uniformly deposited on the surface of carbon nanotubes 掃描電鏡結果表明金屬鎳、鉆沉積在碳納米管表面上。

Optical glass waveguides microcopy is a new promising technology based on spm 摘要光波導顯微術是在表面等離子波顯微術( spm )基礎上的一項新技術。

Microcopy resolution test chart no . 2 縮微復制清晰度第2號試驗圖表

Technical drawings - requirements for microcopying iso 6428 : 1982 技術圖樣.縮微復制要求

Specification for 35 mm microcopying of maps and plans 地圖與設計圖的35mm縮微復制規范

Technical drawings - requirements for microcopying 技術圖紙.縮微復制的要求

Technical drawings - requirements for microcopying 技術制圖.縮微復制的要求

Recommendations for preparation of copy for microcopying 縮微復制準備推薦標準

Technical drawings - requirements for microcopying 技術制圖對縮微復制原件的要求